On Target? Do this on your Warm Up worksheet! Sit with your cartoon groups! Remember: today is WEDNESDAY IS THE WEATHER AN EXCUSE for not doing your best? Why or why not?
For today... 1.Warmup 2.Cartoon Assignment Rubric 3.Cartoon Assignment Work Time Objective: I can show my understanding about the drivers of climate change and the effect of these changes by creating cartoon panels with a group.
In a group of 3-4: Given what we know about how the atmosphere and climate is changing: Draw cartoon panels of Earth’s: 1.Past 2.Present 3.Future with out fixing climate change 4.Future with fixing climate change On the back (or worked into the panel) you need to include a description of reasoning for EACH drawing- WHAT and WHY are things happening scientifically? GET CREATIVE! Try to make it a story Everyone is responsible for 1 panel (for the grade) and these are DUE on THURSDAY Cartoon Project