Early European Exploration
Early Exploration Between 1492 and 1700, there was a push from European countries to explore new land. Why?
Renaissance ( ) Means “rebirth.” It was a rebirth of knowledge and ideas in art, religion, science, and learning that had flourished in ancient Greek and Roman times. Technological advances made it easier for explorers to navigate the world.
After the Renaissance, Europeans want Asian goods Trade with Asia led to exploration of the world. European nations were looking for an all water route to Asia to make $$$ off spices and silk.
Northwest Passage In the late 1400’s, the trade of spices, silk and other exotic goods between Europe and Asia was extremely profitable. Europeans wanted to find a faster route to Asia, so they went in search of a “Northwest Passage”. John Cabot one of the first to voyage out in search of this route. Instead of route to Asia, he landed on the North American continent.
Reasons for Exploration Although the Renaissance and the need for a Northwest Passage contributed to the desire to explore new land, there were four main reasons for exploration.
Social Life was hard during these times Wanted to own land Wanted to create a better life
One of the three main reasons explorers set out to find new land was for Gold. Some wanted to increase their personal fortune while others wanted to increase the fortunes of their mother country. Economic
Political Many early explorers went out to claim land and glory for their country’s leaders. LAND WAS POWER. And at a time when much of the world was unclaimed, leaders of European nations wanted to claim the land before anyone else.
Religious Early explorers believed that all people should be converted to Christianity. They felt that everyone else was a “savage” and would naturally want to be converted to Christianity. They were wrong. Puritans, Catholics, Quakers
WHERE to Settle? Along coastlines was the goal. Natural harbors allowed trade between the NEW territory and the mother country.
Important Explorers There are many famous explorers, but there are a few that had a lasting impact on the growth of the United States.
Christopher Columbus Italian 1492 Wanted to find a route to Asia (Northwest Passage) Instead explored south and Central America. Columbian Exchange, his expeditions set in motion the wide-spread transfer of people, plants, animals, diseases, and cultures that greatly affected nearly every society on the planet.
Amerigo Vespucci Italian 1501 set out to find route to Asia. First to realize America was another continent…not just Asian coast (Columbus) Mapmaker was impressed with Vespucci’s discovery, he named the land he explored “America” after Amerigo.
Jacques Cartier French Was looking for the Northwest passage. Sailed to Canada and then south into North America. Traveled along the St Lawrence River. Visited Native American villages along his route..
Ferdinand Magellan Portugese 1519 Known as first one to circumnavigate (go all the way around) the world. Died before completing the journey.
Spanish Conquistadors Hernando Cortes Violently fought Aztec people and their leader, Montezuma, to take control of their land.
Effects of Exploration Native people were seen as a nuisance and killed or forced off their land. – Seen as uncivilized savages Land was sometimes destroyed. Cultures and traditions were spread throughout the world instead of being limited to a particular country or region.
Think about it… Which of the motivations do you think was most important?