Chapter 12, Lesson 1 The Age of Exploration It Matters Because: The demand for goods from Asia as well as advances in technology helped start Europe’s Age of Exploration.
I. Europe Prepares to Explore A. Medieval Europeans returned from Crusades, demanded luxury goods from Asia Silk Road B. Silk Road used to trade goods over land 1. Transferred goods from E. Asia to Italy 2. Chinese & Indian merchants traded with Arabs & Byzantines, who traded with Italians C. Political changes disrupted trade 1. European merchants increased profit by reaching Asia by sea, eliminating the Arabs & Byzantines
II. Technology & Exploration A. Europeans used technology shared by Muslim traders Astrolabe compass 1. Astrolabe determined latitude, compass determined direction B. Renaissance geographers mapped the world 1. Discovered work of Greek geographer Ptolemy 2. Printing press led to wide publication of ancient maps C. Used Muslim advancements 1. Triangular sails allowed ships to navigate regardless of wind direction
III. Early Voyages A. Portugal was early leader in European exploration Prince Henry “the Navigator” B. Prince Henry “the Navigator” sponsored Portuguese exploration 1. Mapped west coast of Africa 2. Claimed many islands in Atlantic Ocean , Vasco da Gama sailed around Africa, landed in India
IV. Christopher Columbus Columbus A. Columbus wanted to reach Asia across Atlantic Ferdinand & Isabella of Spain , Ferdinand & Isabella of Spain supported Columbus B. Left Spain, August 1492, landed in Bahamas in October 1. Traded with natives; exotic animals, spices, sugar 2. Believed he had landed in SE Asian islands Amerigo Vespucci C. Amerigo Vespucci believed Columbus had discovered a “new world” 1. New World named “America” in honor of Vespucci
V. Spanish Conquest A. Following Columbus’s success, Spain was eager to return to the New World conquistadors 1. Columbus returned with warriors called conquistadors 2. Conquered, enslaved Caribbean natives Treaty of Tordesillas B. In 1494, Spain & Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, dividing S. America
VI. Ferdinand Magellan Magellan A. Spain hired Magellan to sail around S. America 1. Traveled east coast of S. America Tierra del Fuego Strait of Magellan 2. Reached Tierra del Fuego, water passage between S. America & Antarctica (now known as Strait of Magellan) Pacific Ocean 3. Named Pacific Ocean because it was so peaceful B. Magellan killed in battle in the Philippines circumnavigating 1. One ship finished voyage, circumnavigating earth
VII. Northern European Explorers John Cabot A. 1497, John Cabot sailed to Canada for England Jacques Cartier B. 1534, Jacques Cartier sailed St. Lawrence river to Montreal 1. Claimed much of E. Canada for France Henry Hudson C. 1609, Henry Hudson claimed Hudson River & Hudson Bay for the Netherlands 1. New Amsterdam settlement became New York City