WHAT IS GLOBEL WARMING? Global warming is an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect or burning fossil fuels.
HOW DO WE GLOBAL WARMING IS HAPPENING? Over the past 130 years, the global average temperature has increased 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit, with more than half of that increase occurring over only the past 35 years. The pattern is unmistakable: The 12 warmest years on record have all occurred since 1998 and every one of the past 38 years has been warmer than the 20th century average.
WHY IS GLOBAL WARMING HAPPENING? Global Warming is happening because us, humans are burning to many fossil fuels and carbon dioxide. It leads to the Greenhouse Effect that cause are world to heat.
How does the greenhouse effect work?
WHAT DOES GLOBAL WARMING DO TO THE WORLD? Global warming causes major heating in our world’s atmosphere. Causing polar ice caps to melt, sea levels are rising, causing larger flash flooding rates all around the world.
WHAT DOES GLOBAL WARMING DO TO WILDLIFE? Artic animals such as polar bears, penguins etc. homes (ice) are melting at a greater rate, without these animal’s habitats they could become extinct. Animals such as ducks, geese, etc. their homes water flow is changing causing them to have different migration patterns which will affect them to possible not show up for hunting season.
WHAT DOES GLOBAL WARMING DO THE HUMANS? Global warming could increase smog pollution in some areas and intensify pollen allergies and asthma. Hotter conditions could also aggravate local air quality problems, already effecting more than 100 million Americans. Severe weather conditions are breaking out from global warming, the weather conditions could cause death and or severe inures to property and people.
WHAT CAN WE DO? A main cause for Global Warming is from burning fossil fuels. Our cars do a lot of this instead of gasoline we could use biodiesel which is mainly made of vegetable oil and animal fat and it is eco friendly. Another cause is from how much electricity we use, from technology and light sources, using solar panels we can use all our energy from the sun (a natural source).
Important Info Biodiesel Biodiesel is made up of animal fat and vegetable oil. We will buy animal fat from farmers around the US with money from the Government. We will use every single type of animal fat from every type of animal. The animals will not be killed purposely for fat. We will only use the fat if the animal has recently been killed for their food source or if the animal has died for natural causes. Solar Panels Our Solar Panels will be made by Government scientist. They will be eco friendly and produce enough power for the whole city they are located in. My plan is to put solar panels on top of large buildings. We will put 18 solar panels on top of large buildings in bigger cities. The solar panels will not harm anybody and they will not interfere will anything.
What will we do with other countries? I plan to work with China to produce and pay for the source to change the use of gasoline, with China’s help we will be able to reduce pollution that will help stop global warming in both countries.
HOW WILL WE PAY FOR THIS? I plan to start campaigns and get sponsors to pay for this cost the campaigns will raise money to help stop global warming. With working with China they will be able to pay for some of the cost to.