1 Staff Public Workshops Fall 2011 Policy for Siting, Design, Operation and Management of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems San Luis Obispo: October.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Public Workshops Fall 2011 Policy for Siting, Design, Operation and Management of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems San Luis Obispo: October 24 Redding: October 28 Santa Rosa: November 2 Riverside: November 7 State Water Resources Control Board

2 Today’s Agenda Introductions & Purpose5 Minutes Brief Film5 Minutes Draft Policy Presentation15 Minutes Web Map Presentation10 Minutes Opportunity for Public CommentRemainder

3 Workshop Ground Rules  Use common courtesy. Do not interrupt another speaker. Listen to each other and respect all views.  Turn cell phones off. If you must take a call, do so outside of the meeting room.  Give everyone the opportunity to participate. Time limits may be imposed where needed.

4 Video

5 Acronym Definitions   OWTS Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems. The most common type of OWTS is a septic system, consisting of a septic tank and leachfield.   TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load is a plan adopted by a Regional Water Board to limit pollutants reaching an impaired water body and return it to its full beneficial uses.

6 OWTS Policy and the Water Code  (a) On or before January 1, 2004, the state board, (in consultation with…) shall adopt regulations or standards for… :  (1) Any system that is constructed or replaced.  (2) Any system that is subject to a major repair.  (3) Any system that pools or discharges to the surface. (4) Any system that, in the judgment of a regional board or authorized local agency, discharges waste that has the reasonable potential to cause a violation of water quality objectives, or to impair present or future beneficial uses of water, to cause pollution, nuisance, or contamination of the waters of the state.

7 Policy Organization   Definitions   Responsibilities and Duties OWTS Owner Local Agency Regional Water Board State Water Board   Tiers 0 through 4   Conditional Waiver

Draft vs Draft

9 Tier Overview Chart

10 Proposed Regulatory Framework  Tier Zero: Existing OWTS that are functioning properly and are not adjacent to septic polluted surface waters  Tier One: New or replaced OWTS that meet low-risk siting and design criteria  Tier Two: New or replaced OWTS covered by a Local Agency Management Program  Tier Three: New and existing OWTS associated with impaired water bodies and septic polluted surface waters  Tier Four: Existing OWTS requiring Corrective Action

11 Tier 0 – Existing OWTS  Up to 10,000 gallons per day  Domestic strength wastewater, or high strength allowance for food service buildings with a grease interceptor  Functioning as designed with no surfacing effluent  Does not meet conditions set forth in Tier 3 or Tier 4

12 Tier 1 – New OWTS  For OWTS not covered by a Local Agency Management Program  Not included in Tier 2 or 3  3,500 gallons per day max size  Can use percolation rate or soil type basis for sizing

13 Tier 2 – New OWTS  Local Agency Management Plan Differing system design requirements; Differing system design requirements; Differing siting controls such as system density and setback requirements; Differing siting controls such as system density and setback requirements; Requirements for owners to enter monitoring and maintenance agreements; and/or Requirements for owners to enter monitoring and maintenance agreements; and/or Creation of an onsite management district. Creation of an onsite management district.  10,000 gallons per day max size  Watershed based monitoring of groundwater and surface water quality for OWTS impacts done by local agency

14 Listing Impaired Water Bodies   On going monitoring performed on surface water bodies   Data solicitation period for outside data   Data analysis May be for listing or removing from list   Listing decision staff recommendation based on data and Listing Policy

15 Listing Impaired Water Bodies   Impaired water bodies list is then considered by: Regional Water Board and then State Water Board and then U.S. Environmental Protection Agency who finally approves   Listing cycle runs about every two to four years

16 Tier 3 – New and Existing OWTS  TMDL is the key, its implementation program will establish what is required for existing and new OWTS  Management is collaborative effort between local agency and Regional Water Board  OWTS by specifically identified impaired water bodies: Wait 5 years for TMDL or assessment Wait 5 years for TMDL or assessment Or if no TMDL, upgrade to advanced treatment if in 100/600 foot rule Or if no TMDL, upgrade to advanced treatment if in 100/600 foot rule Extra time allowed if agreement to hook up to sewer system Extra time allowed if agreement to hook up to sewer system  For new systems near all impairments: Setbacks in Tier 1 apply, and Setbacks in Tier 1 apply, and Within 600 feet needs advanced treatment until a TMDL is completed. Within 600 feet needs advanced treatment until a TMDL is completed.

17 TMDL Example   San Lorenzo River Watershed Nitrate and Pathogen TMDL Identifies OWTS as source Allocates a loading Has implementation program and schedule

18 Tier 4 – Existing OWTS  Corrective Action – fix what is broken  Meet Tier 1, 2, or 3 requirements as appropriate for components being repaired  Local agencies have discretion within their Tier 2 programs to have repairs be in substantial conformance, to the greatest extent practicable  OWTS found to be impacting drinking water or other uses must be modified or upgraded per requirements

19 Web Map Tool

20 Next Steps  Public Staff Workshops  October 24 – San Luis Obispo  October 28 – Redding  November 2 – Santa Rosa  November 7 – Riverside  Public Comment Period Closes – November 14  Adoption Hearing in Sacramento Spring 2012

21 Important Information   Instructions for signing up for the OWTS – Septics electronic mail list

22 Important Information   Website   Phone Number