Strategic Plan Implementation Update Omaha Public Schools Board of Education October 20, 2014
Agenda Change Management Organization & Governance Charge Leadership Accomplishments Management Tools DistrictStat Process Update SchoolStat
Change Management
Supportive Resistant
Building Infrastructure vs. Launching Initiatives
This is not a sprint…
Co-chaired by OPS Executive Council members Team Leader responsible for coordinating group logistics and facilitating the group to deliver on their charge Strategy Leads create action plans and coordinate implementation UPD provides training and supports facilitation Work Group Organization & Governance Implementation Teams Strategy Leads Work Group Team Leaders Work Group Co-Chairs UPD
Act as the implementation managers and key decision makersBring all necessary stakeholders to the tableCreate Action Plans, maintain status updates, report on progressCoordinate the day-to-day implementation of Action PlansProblem-solve when challenges are encounteredHold one another accountable for progress on the work Work Group Charge
Work Group Co-Chairs & Team Leaders (1) Culture, Climate, and Family Engagement Co-Chairs: Mrs. Cohn, Dr. Chism & Mr. Liwaru Team Leader: Jerry Corner (2) Increasing Student Learning Co-Chairs: Dr. Kehrberg & Dr. Garnett Team Leader: Kanyon Chism (3) Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency Co-Chairs: Dr. Turnquist & Dr. Pool Team Leader: Susan Colvin (4) Policy, Strategy, and Partnerships Co-Chairs: Mr. Ray, Ms. Utterback & Mr. Andrews Team Leader: Ken Spellman Executive Council Oversight Chair: Mr. Evans
Work Group Update: Noteworthy Accomplishments Work Group 1 Work Group 2 Work Group 3 Work Group 4
Work Group Update: Management Tools Example
Work Group Update: Management Tools Example
Five-Year Implementation Timeline
DistrictStat and SchoolStat
DistrictStat Process Update Part of WG 2 Completed 2 stat sessions to date Academic Action Plan 2.2.2M Part of WG 2 Completed 2 stat sessions to date Intensive Math Strategy Part of WG 2 Completed 1 stat session to date Professional Development Part of WG 3 Completed 1 stat session to date Priority-Based Budgeting
Administrators, instructional leaders, and teachers engage in effective and continuous professional development Teacher professional and instructional practices support student learning School environments, policies and practices support student and family engagement Short-term Outcome Metrics Input/Output Metrics Key Activities % students proficient on NeSA; Reduction in achievement gaps between students in all subgroups on NeSA; % of students showing at least one year of growth on NeSA reading and math tests % of students “on track” to graduate each year % of students graduating from high school in 4 / 5 years Increased % of students with a high level of school connectedness and high commitment to learning % students proficient on NeSA; Reduction in achievement gaps between students in all subgroups on NeSA; % of students showing at least one year of growth on NeSA reading and math tests % of students “on track” to graduate each year % of students graduating from high school in 4 / 5 years Increased % of students with a high level of school connectedness and high commitment to learning - Grade distribution - % of students (on-track to) passing all courses - % of students (at risk of) failing single/multiple courses - % of students projected proficient on the Acuity Assessment - % of students showing growth on the Acuity assessment Then we will reach these goals Goals If we take these key actions… These metrics are how we measure the fidelity of our activities These metrics are how we measure progress towards the goals SchoolStat Theory of Action and Metrics are Directly Connected to the Strategic Plan % of teachers and instructional leaders/administrators participating in district-wide PD % of teachers and instructional leaders/administrators participating in school-based PD cycles In alignment with SIP % of schools implementing the full (4 step) PD cycle in alignment with SIP[2.3] % of 360 required coaching visits conducted by instructional leaders [2.3] Teacher attendance rates % of time principals spend in classrooms and with instructional leaders % of students who are highly engaged in the classroom (coaching checklist) [OO] % of administrators, teachers and instructional staff observed to implement prioritized district strategies [2.3 & 3.2] % of principals and teachers reporting use of data to inform instruction and service delivery [2.5] % of teachers with __% of students failing % of teachers with students only failing their class % of eligible students receiving Tier 2 and Tier 3 services [2.4] % of students at risk of missing 10, 20 or more days in the school year [OO & 1.3] average daily attendance % of students with 3+ tardies # of disciplinary referrals by infraction % of students who are suspended or expelled from school [OO] Gap in student suspension rates by race/ethnicity [1.2] % of students with multiple suspensions [2.4] % of students reporting high levels of school connectedness (annual survey) [1.1] % of parents reporting positive perceptions of the school (annual survey) [5.1, 5.2, 5.3]
Five-Year Implementation Timeline
Thank you Rohini McKee UPD Consultant Otis Rolley UPD Senior Consultant