S CIENCE J OURNAL Coach Si 7 th Science
C OVER ( WITH PERMANENT MARKER ) Write your name (first and last). Science, Coach Si Write your class period ( 2 nd, 3rd 4 th, 6 th or 7 th ). Attach a small piece of yellow duct tape on the binder. This make the science journal easy to recognize.
G ENERAL J OURNAL E XPECTATIONS Keep your journal updated at all times All activities must be 100% complete to get credit for the page Journal entries should be securely attached by tape or glue. (not staples) Journal pages should not extend out of the journal covers when the journal is closed Cut to fit when you can. Sometimes folding is the only option. Colored pages are always better than b/w. Use markers, crayons, or colored pencils.
P AGE 1 Y OUR N AME S CIENCE J OURNAL Design a cover page for your journal You may draw pictures or find pictures in magazines to cut out that show science things You may Google images and cut them out Please make your page colorful and neat This is my first impression of the kind of work you do. Spend some time to make it look GOOD!!!!
P AGE 2 T ABLE OF C ONTENTS This will be the next 6 pages in the journal Number all 6 pages page 2 in the upper corner of the journal (see example) We will number the journal pages as we go so everything matches the TOC. Page numbers and dates must match when activity was done We will make journal entries on a regular basis It is very important that your journal matches my journal exactly to avoid confusion. Remember the KISS rule.
P AGE 3 C ORE VALUES List the core values on the page. Skip two lines between each term. Use a straight edge to underline each term. We will discuss these at a later date.
P AGE 3: (C ORE V ALUES ) Respect Responsibility Honesty Cooperation Diversity Integrity
Write the title of this page. This will be a handout that will come later. P AGE 4: (BYOD POLICIES & PROCEDURES )
P AGE 5: C OACH SI ’ S NON - NEGOTIABLES Write the title of this page on the top line Coach Si’s Non-negotiables
P AGE 5 ( TO SAVE TIME I WILL MAKE COPIES ) Be prepared to start class when the bell rings Please don’t talk when someone else is talking. If you want to contribute to the class discussion raise your hand and wait until Coach ask you to share your thoughts. Stay in your seat when Coach is giving instructions and/or standing at the front of the classroom. NO BULLYING...in any way, shape, or form. NO GUM, food, or drink (except water) No Horseplay No arguing with Coach. Discuss issues at another time
P AGE 6 C LASSROOM E XPECTATIONS AND P ROCEDURES This will be a handout that will come when the copies arrive.
P AGE 7 S CIENTIFIC METHOD This will be two pages that will come when copies arrive
G RADES Go to the back of your journal. 1st page title Grades 1 st 9 weeks Column 1 title column 2 grade column 3 date Next page title Grades 2 nd 9 weeks Next page title Grades 3 rd 9 weeks Next page title Grades 4 th 9 weeks
L AB EQUIPMENT In this section you need to describe the use of the lab equipment, make a drawing or find a picture of it and write the correct name for it. This will happen every time we complete a lab, demonstration or an experiment