Writing scientific papers and publishing your research 1) Writing a paper helps you identify missing information 2) Helps develop new ideas 3) Documents your discoveries 4) Communicates your results to your peers 5) Allows your work to be judged 6) Provide new methods to other scientists.
Stages in writing Research Write the introduction, thesis & hypotheses Write-up experimentals as you do research Find citations and build bibliography for paper Write up results & begin to discuss Identify journal(s) for publication Go to instruction to authors page and get specific requirements for journal Run manuscript through spelling and grammar check software Submit manuscript online
Picking Publications Peer reviewed academic publications (e.g. Nature Chemistry) Symposium proceedings (peer reviewed, e.g. MRS proceedings) Government of Industrial Reports (e.g. Los Alamos National Lab Reports or LANL Reports) Symposium proceedings (not reviewed, e.g. Polymer Preprints) More less importance
Picking journal: Example For a Polymer synthesis project Potential journals: Macromolecules, Macro Letters, Journal of Polymer Chemistry, Polymer, Chemistry of Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Polymer Bulletin. Look up Journal Citation reports Pick highest impact journal you can. Got to journal webpage and get instructions to author or word template.
Journal Citation Reports Rate journals based on citation impact: how many times people cite papers published in journal
Select category of interest: Polymer Science
List journals as function of impact factor The larger the number the greater the impact having a paper in the journal will be. Review
Journal Citation Impact Rankings for multidisciplinary Chemistry
How to use Citation Impact Publish in as high an impact journal as possible to disseminate your work to greatest audience Measure quality of work partly based on journal it is in (not perfect – but useful) The citation impact of the journals in which you publish has direct influence on evaluations of performance.
Pick Journal and get instructions Journal website Instructions to author Word template with correct formatting Online submission – Manuscript – your word that you have not published any of the work in another journal – List of keywords – List of professionals who are suitable referees for the paper – Letter to editor detailing why this paper is suitable
Paper review 3 professionals review paper Decide if it is worthy of publishing may reject, accept as is, or accept with revisions If your paper is rejected, you may write the editor to contest the decision. If not successful, submit to another journal after making changes to deal with reviewers complaints.
Impact of an author Number of papers published Journals in which you publish (impact factors) Number of times your papers have been cited by others work. Hirsch Number or index
Hirsch Index measures both productivity and impact of publications of an author List all of an authors papers ranked by the number of citations Number them from 1 at the top. The point on the list where the number of the paper exceeds the number of citations is the Hirsch index.
Hirsch index = 28
Study Guide Name of five Chinese Chemistry journals Describe how the Hirsch index is determined (from number of citations and numbers of papers) What is the Journal Citation Report and what does it tell you about a paper (Impact of journal) How do you find out what a journals manuscript requirements are in order to publish a paper in it. (Instructions to authors) What is peer review? The technical review of your manuscript by experts to determine if it is worthy of publication. How can you proof your manuscript for spelling and grammar? Hire an English major. Use a software reviewer like “grammarly.” Plus review internet terms form first quiz.