The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges A Study of the Book of Judges The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges A Study of the Book of Judges Lesson 3 Judges 2:6 – 3:4.


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Presentation transcript:

The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges A Study of the Book of Judges The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges A Study of the Book of Judges Lesson 3 Judges 2:6 – 3:4 Say It Again, Sam(uel) 1 : A Second Introduction to Judges August 30, Many students of the Bible think that Samuel is the author of Judges, and he may well have been. For artistic purposes (this title), I have assumed so for the moment.

I.Introduction A.A “second introduction” – really? 1.Compare Joshua 24:28-31; Judges 1:1; 2:6-9 2.Compare Genesis 1:1—2:3; 2:4-25 B.Two things I’m not going to emphasize: 1.The details of Canaanite religion (Deuteronomy 12:29-31; Ephesians 5:11-13) 2.Parenting (but see Deuteronomy 11:18-21) C.Liberal scholarship makes this introduction a Postmodern creation (Davis) D.The Israelites were not as naïve as we may think (Joshua 24:2, 14-15; Amos 5:25-26) E.My approach in this message

II.A Walk through the Passage A.A quick review of chapter 1 (a human view of Israel’s experience in Canaan) B.A divine perspective on chapter 1 (2:1-5) 1. God’s covenant promises and commands (2:1-2; Exodus 23; 34) 2. Israel’s sin and God’s judgment (2:3) 3. Israel weeps and offers sacrifices (2:4-5) C.A second introduction begins (2:6-10). 1. The death of Joshua’s generation (2:6-9) 2. A new generation that does not know God or His works (2:10)

D.Keys to understanding Judges (2:11—3:4) – general observations: 1. Note cause/effect relationships 2. The author alternates between Israel’s sin and God’s response. E.Israel’s sins outlined (2:11-13): 1. They served the Baals (v. 11) 2. They forsook the Lord (v. 12) 3. They forsook the Lord & served Baal and the Astartes (v. 13)

F.God’s response (2:14-16) 1. In His anger, He gave them over to their enemies (v. 14) 2. His hand was against them, as He had promised (v. 15) 3. Gave them judges to deliver them (v. 16) G.Israel’s reaction (2:17): 1. They did not listen to judges 2. They played the harlot; turned aside quickly from fathers’ obedience H.God’s faithfulness (2:18) 1. Moved by His compassion, not Israel’s repentance. 2. He sent judges to deliver for a lifetime

I.Israel’s unfaithfulness (v. 19) 1. They turned back when judge died 2. Each generation was worse 3. They followed other gods and would not repent. J.God’s response (2:20-23): 1. Angry because they broke His covenant (v. 20) 2. He no longer drove out those Joshua left in the land (v. 21) 3. This was to test Israel’s obedience (v. 22) 4. God did not give these nations to Joshua for this very purpose (v. 23).

K.In judgment, God remembers mercy (3:1-4; see Habakkuk 3:2). 1. He “tested” Israel to give them the experience (knowledge – see 2:10) they lacked (3:1). 2. He “tested” Israel to give them the experience (knowledge) of war – where they would experience God and His works (3:2). 3. He “tested” Israel to give them further opportunities to obey God’s commands (3:3-4).

III.Conclusion A.The cause of Israel’s downfall 1.They did not destroy the Canaanites and live in separation. 2.They did not know and experience God personally. B.How do two introductions help me? 1.They provide two perspectives 2.They provide a structural key to Judges 3.They provide a theological foundation 4.They reveal a cause-effect relationship in one’s spiritual life. 5.They emphasize the importance of godly leaders.

6.They encourage me because I see God’s faithfulness in spite of Israel’s sin. C.How can we know God and experience His works today? 1.A word of caution 2.By knowing God through His Word 3.By remembering God’s faithfulness 4.By remembering God’s covenant with us 5.By living dangerously by faith – by not being limited to the “possible” 6.By keeping His commands 7.By engaging and confronting our culture 8.By exposure to godly leaders, then & now 9.By recognizing life’s trials as God’s “testing”

Copyright © 2009 by Robert L. Deffinbaugh. This is the edited PowerPoint presentation of Lesson 3 in the series, The Dark Days of Israel’s Judges, prepared by Robert L. Deffinbaugh for August 30, Anyone is at liberty to use this lesson for educational purposes only, with or without credit.