University of California Cloud Computing Task Force Russ Hobby
Task Force Charge Assess Cloud Computing and its applicability within the University of California System Look at Commercial, UC, and R&E Community created Clouds Consider Administrative, Research and Instructional Computing Evaluate attributes like Disaster recovery, Fail-Soft, Green Computing Make Recommendations to the UC IT Leadership for deployment and further study of cloud computing technologies, including an ongoing organizational structure.
Task Force Charge Representation from –Researchers That use Cloud Computing for research That do research on Cloud Computing –Data Centers –Networking –Grids –Supercomputer Sites CCTF's final report due July 31, 2009
Dimensions of Cloud Computing Basic Components –Computing –Storage –Communications
Dimensions of Cloud Computing By the Layer –Hardware as a Service –OS as a Service –Software as a Service
Dimensions of Cloud Computing By the Location –Department –Campus –UC System –Region –National
Evaluation Attributes Overall Cost “Green” factor Security Identity Management Accounting Flexibility in Scaling Performance Ease of Operation Ease of Administration Ease of Use for User Ease of Migration Locality
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