Characteristics of living things In order to be alive ALL cells MUST meet all the characteristics of living things The Cell (Discovery channel) The Cell (Discovery channel) Amoeba
Cell Organization Organelles: Little Organs Eukaryotic cells: have organelles that perform all of the necessary life functions! Some cells have more or different organelles. The cell
Cell Wall Non-living, outside of plant cells Protects & Supports Water oxygen and carbon dioxide can pass through the membrane
Cell Membrane Surrounds animal cells & inside cell wall of plants Gatekeeper: controls what goes in and out of the cell
Nucleus: Cell Manager 1. Directs all activities 2. Contains DNA & 2. RNA 3. Manager 4. Transmits hereditary information 5. Control center
Nuclear Membrane Membrane that surrounds nucleus Permits materials in and out of Nucleus
Nucleoplasm Internal fluid of the nucleus
Inside the nucleus Makes Ribosomes & contains RNA Protein Synthesis: Plays a role in the making of proteins Nucleolus
Thin threads made up of DNA & RNA Form chromosomes Chromatin
Cytoplasm Cytoskeleton : surrounds and suspends the organelles. Always moving (fluid)
Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough ER): contain attached ribosomes on the surface. Smooth ER: contain enzymes for cell metabolism
Round organelle either attached to the Rough ER or floating in the cytoplasm Site of Protein Production Ribosomes
Mitochondria Makes Energy: The POWERHOUSE of the Cell
Vacuoles Round Organelle Store food & enzymes & Waste Store water in plants
Golgi Apparatus Closely stacked sacs Package proteins UPS of the Cell
Chloroplasts found in plants Make & store food Contain chlorophyll that gives plants color and absorbs sunlight!
Comparing plant & animal cells: Characteristic Animal Cell Plant Cell General Shape round rectangular Position of Nucleus Cell's center off-center Outer Layer cell membrane cell wall Vacuoles: many & scattered One with water