What comes to mind when you think of the term psychology?
Psychology: the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. Psychologists usually focus on the thoughts, feelings, and actions of individual people. Behaviour: a person’s (or animals) actions and reactions that can be observed and measured by others (examples: an infant babbling, a child working on a puzzle, an adult voting and a rat running through a maze) Mental Process: occurrences within an individual's mind that cannot be directly observed by others (examples: hopes, dreams, thoughts beliefs, wishes and fears)
Psychology can be considered a science. Some branches are primarily concerned with how the brain works and how it affects behaviour – how we see, hear, smell and touch Other branches are interested in how our genetic makeup affects our behaviour Psychology is both a philosophical and scientific pursuit
Clinical psychologists – work with clients in an attempt to help the clients deal with their problems Problems can range from addictions to learning disabilities to depression to phobias ect. Duties include psychotherapy (talking with clients about their problems and working together to solve them), testing techniques, teaching, researching and consulting Clinical psychologists usually have a bachelor degree and well as a post-graduate degree
Psychiatrists – perform the same duties as a clinical psychologist but are medical doctors Counsellors – perform activities such as preventative treatment, consultation, development of outreach programs, vocational (job and career) counselling and short-term therapy Counsellors most often work in an educational setting. Their main focus is the client in social situations. They generally have a bachelor’s degree as well as a post-graduate degree in counselling
Psychological paraprofessionals – work in close contact with clinical psychologists and psychiatrists They can be psychiatric nurses, hospital attendants, therapists or volunteers They provide valuable insight into a client’s behaviour
There are many different branches and each focuses on different aspects of behaviour
Is based on three things: if the individual experiencing the behaviour is distressed by it (not being able to cloth or bathe oneself); whether or not the behaviour affects the individual’s life or functioning in a negative way (having a phobia); and whether or not the behaviour is deemed culturally acceptable
Is based on the notion that behaviour are learned. Conclusions about behaviour can only be made if they have been directly observed. Behavioural psychology has a heavy focus on research.
Deals exclusively with treating people with abnormal behaviours. They rely on techniques from other branches of psychology in order to help their clients.
Is a technique used to treat abnormal behaviours. Hypnosis is an artificially induced state of awareness which resembles sleep. The hypnotized person is open to suggestion and, although he/she may believe almost anything they are told and will do almost anything that is requested of them, however there are limits to what they will actually do. Hypnotherapy is the treatment of emotional and metal problems with hypnosis.
Focuses on human information processing, which is the manner in which the brain does things like learn, memorize, problem solve, recognize, use language and many other higher level processing. This field relies on both philosophical and scientific thought, as well as computer models to attempt to prove their theories.
Studies the way a child’s behaviour changes as the child develops or grows into adulthood. Developmental psychology focuses on physical growth, mental growth, moral growth and all other aspects of human nature
Is not a fully accepted branch. Parapsychology studies mysterious phenomenon like psychic powers, telepathy, ghosts, out-of-body experiences and reincarnation. Mysterious phenomena is difficult to prove and document. Do you believe in this branch? Do you ever experience déjà vu? Do you believe in ghosts or angels? Do you believe in reincarnation? Do you ever get premonitions?
Is concerned with how the body affects behaviour. This includes how brain structure, hormones, cells, the nervous system, drugs and injuries affect how we think, act and move. They believe that the mind and the body are one.
Is the study of how humans behave in social situations. It focuses on how an individual’s behaviour is influenced by other. Topics in this area include relationships, aggression, stereotypes, attraction, behaviour in groups and prejudice.