Psychology and Life Chapter 1
Definitions The Goals of Psychology Perspectives on Psychology The Evolution of Modern Psychology What Psychologist do
Psychology ; The scientific study of the behavior of individuals and their mental process Mental Process is the most important aspect in the psychology inquiry It means, the workings of the human mind
Psychologist = Behavioral Scientist Why? Because they collect evidence by according to principles of the scientific method
Behavior Behavior The observable actions by which an organism adjusts to its environment. Ex/ Smiling, Crying and so on.
Scientific Method Set of procedures used for gathering and interpreting objective information in a way that minimizes error and yields dependable generalizations.
Goals DescribingExplainingPredicting Controlling The Goals of Psychology Behavioral data Levels of analysis Objectivity Internal factors External factors Events relate to one another Ultimate purpose of psychology
Perspectives on Psychology Psychodynamic Perspective Behavior is driven, motivated by powerful inner forces. According to this model, the organism stops reacting when its needs are satisfied and drives reduced. The main purpose of action is to reduce tension. Key words ; Inherited instincts unconsciousness unawareness
Perspectives on Psychology Behavioral Perspective How particular environmental stimuli control particular kind of behavior Behaviorist analyze the antecedent environmental conditions. They examine the observable consequences that follow from response. Key words ; Environment Punishment
Perspectives on Psychology Humanistic Perspective Alternative to the psychodynamic and behavioral model. Main task for human is to strive for positive development. Individuals have a natural tendency toward psychological growth and health. Key words ; Rational choice Inherent capacity Self-actualization
Perspectives on Psychology Cognitive Perspective The centerpiece of this model is human thought and tall the process of knowing Thoughts as both results and causes of overt actions. Behavior emerges form totally novel way of thinking, not from predictable ways used in the past. Key words ; Subjective reality Mental process
Perspectives on Psychology Biological Perspective Experience and behaviors are largely understood as the result of activities between nerve cells. Experience can modify behavior by altering these underlying biological structures and processes. Key words ; Genes Biological force Nervous system
Perspectives on Psychology Evolutionary Perspective Mental abilities evolved to serve particular adaptive purposes. Focus on the environmental conditions in which the human brain evolved. Key words ; Natural selection Mental mechanism Adaptiveness
Perspectives on Psychology Sociocultural Perspective Cross-cultural differences in the causes and consequences of behavior. A Cross-cultural perspective can be brought to bear on almost every topic of psychological research. Key words ; Diversity Cross-culture