Environmental Scoping Meeting April 9, 2014
Meeting Outline Overview of the Proposed Project Purpose of the Scoping Meeting Environmental Review Process Topics to be Addressed in the Environmental Impact Report Public Input
1.84 acres 50 Canyon Blvd, to the west of Minaret Road and north of Main Street/Lake Mary Road
Hotel 64,750 gross square feet of buildable floor area a maximum lodging room count of up to 67 rooms North Village Specific Plan Amendments an increase in the allowable development density for the project site by 30 additional bedrooms; an increase in the allowable building height (an additional 40 feet plus an additional 1.5 feet for roof appurtenances); and a reduction in the required front yard setbacks for the upper floors of the hotel along Minaret Road
Purpose of CEQA To disclose information about potentially significant environmental effects of a project; To identify ways to avoid or mitigate significant environmental impacts. To enhance public participation in the planning process; and To foster interagency coordination in the review of projects.
Purpose of the Scoping Meeting Inform the Public of the Proposed Project and the Town’s Intent to Prepare an SEIR; Present an Overview of the Environmental Review Process; Review Topics Requiring Further Study in the SEIR; and Receive Public Comments Regarding Environmental Topics and Issues of Concern.
The Initial Study/Notice of Preparation begins the CEQA Process 30-Day Public Review Period (March 26, 2014 – April 24, 2014) Prepare and Publish the Draft SEIR 45 day public review period Respond to Comments Present the Final SEIR to the Planning and Economic Development Commission and Town Council
Tiered Analysis Approach Program EIR covers many actions, or long-range plans characterized as one project. The 1991 North Village Specific Plan (NVSP) and associated amendments were considered as part of the 1991 NVSP Program EIR and 1994 Addendum. Subsequent EIR addresses subsequent project activities in light of a previously certified Program EIR. In 1999, the NVSP underwent an Amendment that resulted in the 1999 Subsequent Program EIR. Project-Level Subsequent EIR would be required for the proposed project. This project level analysis will tier from the previous program level environmental analysis.
Aesthetics Scenic Vistas Visual Character/Quality Light and Glare
Air Quality Short- and Long-Term Emissions Consistency with GBUAPCD Policies Greenhouse Gas Emissions Emissions from mobile and stationary sources Land Use Consistency with the Town’s 2007 General Plan, North Village Specific Plan, North Village District Planning Study, and Town of Mammoth Lakes Municipal Code
Traffic and Circulation Level of Service Impacts to Local Roadways Construction Staging Site Access Parking
Utilities and Service Systems Water Supply Water and Wastewater Facilities Noise Construction and Operational Effects Effects to Nearby Residents
Cumulative Effects Other Related Development Projects Alternatives A range of Alternative in Accordance with the Requirements of CEQA
No Environmental Impact/Mitigated to Less Than Significant by the NVSP PEIR, Addendum, and SPEIR Agriculture and Forestry Resources; Biological Resources; Cultural Resources; Geology and Soils; Hazards and Hazardous Materials; Hydrology and Water Quality; Mineral Resources; Population and Housing; Public Services; and Recreation.
Written Comments on the Initial Study/Notice of Preparation are Due by: April 24, 2014 Comments Submitted to: Ms. Jen Daugherty Senior Planner Town of Mammoth Lakes 437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite R Mammoth Lakes, California