Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project Update Jeanne Behnke, Deputy Project Manager for Operations NASA Earth Science Data & Information Systems Project April 8, 2014
EOSDIS Key Metrics 2 EOSDIS Science Data Products Distribution FY2000 through FY2013 EOSDIS Science Data Volume Growth EOSDIS Metrics FY2013 (Oct 1, 2012 to Sept 30, 2013) PO. DAAC Unique Data Products6, Distinct Users of EOSDIS Data and Services 1.7 M38K Average Daily Archive Growth 8.5 TB/day 37 GB/day Total Archive Volume9.8 PB44 TB End User Distribution Products839 M89 M End User Average Daily Distribution Volume 22 TB/day 652 GB/day
Working together to meet the needs of NASA Earth science data systems for the future ESDIS pulls together a consistent approach to EOSDIS data management that allows integrated view of all data Single User Registration/Authentication system that all DAACs can use Code repositories to all better software sharing among DAACs Standardized access to browse imagery for all datasets Establishment of standards for use across program Access point to all NASA Earth Science datasets PO.DAAC focuses on meeting the needs of discipline science Managing and preserving NASA Ocean datasets in discipline areas Engaging directly with ocean science users Enhancing direct access to ocean science data through websites and tools Developing new techniques and collaborations to facilitate data use Leading the field in meeting the needs of Ocean scientists 3
Evolving Our Systems EOSDIS User Registration System (URS) URS 4.0 was released in February Features include Single Sign On concept for EOSDIS applications. In use at ASF DAAC, LPDAAC, other user interfaces within Earthdata website DAACs can customized the front page of URS as needed Currently working on integration with the COTS tools used across EOSDIS Total number of URS users as of 3/30/14: 103,736 Availability of URS from January-March is % 4 Code Sharing Long time goal of EOSDIS is now available as the Earthdata Code Collaborative Framework in place that allows Earth Science Data System partners to share code One step nearer to open source sharing Enables new features: Sea Level Rise Portal
Continuing Browse Enhancements Global Image Browse Service “Parameter Visualizations” for all EOSDIS Imagery Standardized access via OGC WMTS / TWMS / WMS / KML Source code for the GIBS OnEarth server and sample code available at the GIBS GitHub site 5
EOSDIS New Missions List MissionsLaunch DateDAAC Shizuku (GCOM-W1)May 18, 2012GHRC / NSIDC GPMFeb 27, 2014GES DISC SNPPOctober 2012multiple OCO-2Jul 2014GES DISC ISS-RapidSCATJun 2014PO.DAAC ISS-CATSSept 2014ASDC DAAC SMAPNov 5, 2014ASF / NSIDC SAGE-III ON ISSDec 2014ASDC DSCOVRJan 2015ASDC CYGNSS (EV-M)Oct 2016PO.DAAC OCO-3 on ISSDec 2016GES DISC ICESat-2June 2017NSIDC GRACE FOAug 2017PO.DAAC 6 Green - launch and in-orbit Black – planned launches
Contacting the ESDIS Project 7 Drew Kittel, DAAC Engineer, Jeanne Behnke, ESDIS DPM/Ops, Dawn Lowe, ESDIS Project Manager, Social media We are now on Twitter! Facebook:
Backup 04/01/14 8
EOSDIS Facilities 9 Data centers, collocated with centers of science discipline expertise, archive and distribute standard data products produced by Science Investigator-led Processing Systems (SIPSs) ASF DAAC SAR Products Sea Ice, Polar Processes SEDAC Human Interactions in Global Change LP DAAC Land Processes & Features PO.DAAC Ocean Circulation Air-Sea Interactions ASDC Radiation Budget, Clouds, Aerosols, Tropo Chemistry ORNL DAAC Biogeochemical Dynamics, EOS Land Validation GES DISC Atmos Composition & Dynamics, Global Modeling, Hydrology, Radiance LAADS/ MODAPS Atmosphere OBPG Ocean Biology & Biogeochemistry GHRC Hydrological Cycle & Severe Weather CDDIS Crustal Dynamics Solid Earth NCAR, U of Col. HIRDLS, MOPITT, SORCE GSFC GLAS, MODIS, OMI, OBPG LaRC CERES, SAGE III GHRC AMSR-E, LIS, AMSR2 JPL MLS, TES San Diego ACRIM NSIDC DAAC Cryosphere, Polar Processes SIPSs Key Data Center ECS Sites
EOSDIS ACSI Customer Satisfaction Survey 2013: Relative Rankings E-Business Internet News & Information NASA EOSDIS Federal Government Overall (2013) EOSDIS sponsors an annual independent customer survey in conjunction with the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) EOSDIS consistently exceeds the Federal Government average Ratings in the mid to upper 70s are considered “very good” by the rating organization, the CFI Group 2013 Survey results based on 4,146 responses (~4.3%) Comments in surveys help define system improvements