Assessment in Key Stage 2 Changes at Our Lady’s
Why? Due to Government initiatives which felt that levels were becoming too competitive and did not show a true example of what children are capable of levels were removed and schools given the opportunity to find systems that would effectively assess pupil attainment and progress The school needs a way to ensure all pupils achieve to the best of their ability
What? Continuous teacher assessment based on class work Year 6 – End of Key Stage tests - May
How? National Curriculum descriptors of expectations for end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) and end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) Reading, Writing, Mathematics – continual assessment by class teacher and reported 4 times each year Non-core subjects (including Speaking & Listening) – 3 times each year End of topic evaluations in Religious Education, Science and Creativity Religious Education – levels remain
What will it look like Teacher assessment will be based on new system In Years 3 and 4 children will work within Milestone 2
Depth of learning Depth of learning index EYFS Emerging0.25 Expected0.5 Exceeding0.75 Milestone 1 Basic 11 Expected Y1Basic 22 Advancing 13 Advancing 24 Expected Y2Deep 15 Deep 26 Milestone 2 Basic 17 Expected Y3Basic 28 Advancing 19 Advancing 210 Expected Y4Deep 111 Deep 212 Milestone 3 Basic 113 Expected Y5Basic 214 Advancing 115 Expected Y6Advancing 216 Deep 117 Deep 218
Reading To read words accurately To understand texts
M2: To understand texts Draw inferences from reading. Predict from details stated and implied. Recall and summarise main ideas. Discuss words and phrases that capture the imagination. Retrieve and record information from non- fiction, using titles, headings, sub- headings and indexes. Prepare poems and plays to read aloud with expression, volume, tone and intonation. Identify recurring themes and elements of different stories (e.g. good triumphing over evil). Recognise some different forms of poetry. Explain and discuss understanding of reading, maintaining focus on the topic. Draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evidence. Predict what might happen from details stated and implied. Identify main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarise these. Identify how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning. Ask questions to improve understanding of a text.
Key Indicator: Retrieve and record information from non-fiction, using titles, headings, sub-headings and indexes. BasicAdvancingDeep With support of a teacher, shows some awareness of organisational features. With support of a teacher, retrieves and records information; using basic organisational features, such as the title and main headings. Generally, organisational features and conventions are identified and used to locate and retrieve information; for example, title, index, glossary and contents. Generally, records information from non-fiction, using titles, headings, sub- headings and indexes. Independently identifies and uses organisational features and conventions effectively of non- fiction to retrieve and record information.
Writing Write with a purpose Imaginative description Organisation Paragraphs Sentences Presentation Spelling Punctuation Analysis Present writing
M2: To use sentences appropriately Use a mixture of simple, compound and complex sentences. Write sentences that include: conjunctions adverbs direct speech, punctuated correctly clauses adverbial phrases.
Key Indicator: Write sentences that include: conjunctions, adverbs, direct speech, is punctuated correctly, uses clauses and adverbial phrases. BasicAdvancingDeep Some of the features listed are used in writing. Most of the features listed are used in writing. Sentences include all of the features listed, as appropriate for the type of writing. Direct speech is almost always punctuated correctly.
Mathematics Numbers Add & subtract Multiply & divide Fractions Shapes Position, direction & movement Measures Statistics Algebra
M2: To add and subtract - methods Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate. Add and subtract numbers mentally, including: A three-digit number and ones. A three-digit number and tens. A three-digit number and hundreds.
Key Indicator: Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate. BasicAdvancingDeep With the support of a teacher, the correct formal written methods are used to add and subtract numbers up to four-digits. Generally, the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction are used to add and subtract numbers up to four- digits. Independently, the columnar addition and subtraction methods are used to add and subtract numbers with up to four-digits correctly.
End of year expectations