AP Biology Tour of the Cell 3
AP Biology Cells gotta work to live! What jobs do cells have to do? make proteins proteins control every cell function make energy for daily life for growth make more cells growth repair renewal
AP Biology Making New Cells
AP Biology Cytoskeleton Function structural support maintains shape of cell provides anchorage for organelles protein fibers microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules motility cell locomotion cilia, flagella, etc. regulation organizes structures & activities of cell
AP Biology actin microtubule nuclei Cytoskeleton
AP Biology Centrioles Cell division in animal cells, pair of centrioles organize microtubules spindle fibers guide chromosomes in mitosis
AP Biology Any Questions??
AP Biology Microtubule or Microfilament Explain the structure and functions of Front row: microtubule Back row: microfilament
AP Biology True or False? Microfilaments are constructed of a globular protein called tubulin. All eukaryotic cells have microtubules. Microtubules serve as tracks on which other organelles can move. Actin is a microfilament. Microfilaments are hollow while microtubules are solid
AP Biology True or False? Microtubules are built to resist compression while microfilament are built to bear tension and pull. Microtubule structures help cell motility as cilia or falgella. Microfilaments help cell motility as psuedopodia. Microtubules form the cleavage furrow for cell division. Microfilaments are responsible for muscle contraction.