ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED BY ABAFY 2013 MEMBERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT: Membership drive (after conclusion of CWA 2012, Antigua) – Ongoing May 2013: Participated in the Development of Strategic Plan and Implementation Program for the Involvement and Development of Youth in Agriculture and Rural Sectors (IDYARS) Collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture, Civil Society, NGO’s Conducted by Ms. Rufina Paul, FAO/TCDC International Consultant
ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED BY ABAFY 2013 cont’d Management, Institutional Development and Advocacy May : Hosted a National Agri-Youth Symposium entitled “Agriculture needs the Youth” Collaboration with the Ministries of Agriculture & Education, Youth, Sports & Gender Affairs Thirty (30) participants: 3 rd to 5 th Form Agri-science students from various national secondary schools, young farmer and Agri- entrepreneurs Purpose : To highlight challenges and emerging issues facing youth in agriculture nationally Guest Speaker : Hon. Hilson Baptiste – Minister of Agriculture, Lands, Housing and Env. Presentations from key Agri-stakeholder institutions including Antigua Barbuda Development Bank (ABDB), Ministry of Agriculture and Island Provision Ltd.
Training and Capacity Building June 2013 Eight (8) ABAFY Farmers participated in an Irrigation Water Management Workshop Organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Workshop was facilitated by Mr. Grant Joyce – Farmer and Irrigation Consultant Purpose: To help farmers in achieving optimum efficiency with the irrigation systems June 19 – 22, 2013 Mr. Samuel Brazier participated in a Regional Workshop in St. Vincent & Grenadines: “Improving Business Efficiency in Agriculture” Organized by the Caribbean Farmers Network (CAFAN) Purpose: Entrepreneurial Development and Policy that would improve business and efficiency in Agriculture
July 27 – 31, 2013 Mr Samuel Brazier participated in an Ardyis Web 2.0 Training Exchange Workshop at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill campus in Barbados Organized by CTA in conjunction with CAFAN Purpose: To introduce the use of ICT in Agriculture Training and Capacity Building cont’d
Promotion, publication and fund Raising As part of the Ministry of Agriculture’s National week of Agriculture, ABAFY was featured on the Antigua Broadcasting Station on “Good Morning Antigua TV Programme” Some future plans and programmes (ABAFY): Participate in the National Independence Food Fair - (November 2013) Agri-business & Cost of Production Workshop for Young Agri-entrepreneurs in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, CARDI, IICA, Antigua and Barbuda Investment Authority (ABIA) (– November 2013) Establishment of Farmers’ Cooperative (On-going) Re-introduction of the Inter-schools Garden Competition (Sep – Dec 2014)