In All Things, Proving Ourselves Clear II Corinthians 7:2-11
The Problem Sexual Immorality among them ( I Cor. 5:1) They were puffed up instead of mourning (I Cor. 5:2) They were boasting in the situation (I Cor. 5:6) In All Things, Proving Ourselves Clear Review of the Corinthian Situation The Commandments “Deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 5:4-5) “Purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump” (I Cor. 5:7) “But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral…not even eat with such a person” (I Cor. 5:11) “Therefore put away from yourselves the evil person” (I Cor. 5:13, Deut. 17:7)
In All Things, Proving Ourselves Clear Review of the Corinthian Situation What it “produced” (II Cor. 7:11-12) Sorrow Repentance Diligence –Steady and careful application Clearing of themselves Indignation –Anger aroused by something unjust Fear Vehement Desire –Desire enhanced by emotion and conviction Zeal –Fervent and enthusiastic devotion Vindication –Exoneration from an accusation Prove themselves clear HOW DID SUCH “VAGUE” COMMANDMENTS INSTILL THESE CHARACTERISTICS?
I Corinthians 5:13 and Deuteronomy 17:1-7 “put away from yourselves the evil person” (I Cor. 5:13) “put away the evil from among you” (Deut. 17:7) In All Things, Proving Ourselves Clear Research of the Old Testament Deut. 19:18-20 Deut. 22:17-21 Deut. 24:7 Deut. 22:22-24
Exodus 35:4-29, 36:2-7 This was a command of the Lord (vs. 4) In All Things, Proving Ourselves Clear Willingness of Our Hearts Everyone heard the same command (vs. 20) However, did everyone contribute? - “Everyone whose heart stirred him and everyone whose spirit moved him came and brought the LORD'S contribution for the work of the tent of meeting and for all its service and for the holy garments” (vs. 21, NAS) - “They came, both men and women, as many as had a willing heart” (vs. 22, NKJ) - “The children of Israel brought a freewill offering to the LORD, all the men and women whose hearts were willing to bring material for all kinds of work which the LORD, by the hand of Moses, had commanded to be done” (vs 29, NKJ) What about the Corinthians? II Cor. 2:6 II Cor. 7:11 – Paul “Observed this very thing” II Cor. 8:3 (Macedonians), II Cor. 9:2 (Corinthians)
In All Things, Proving Ourselves Clear “Radical” Examples in the Scriptures Diligence Clearing of himself Indignation Fear Vehement desire Zeal Vindication Prove himself Clear Nehemiah 13:1-31 Do you think Nehemiah took the commands of the Lord seriously? Why didn’t everyone else heed these commands like this? Is this your idea of a Spiritual Leader, or is he a little too zealous? Numbers 25:1-13 Why was Phinehas the one who did this? Everyone heard the same command (vs. 5-6) Why didn’t the person who brought them do this? Why was everyone just sitting at the door of the Tabernacle weeping? Diligence Clearing of himself Indignation Fear Vehement desire Zeal Vindication Prove himself Clear
Modesty I Tim. 2:9 I Peter 3:3-5 In All Things, Proving Ourselves Clear What Do Commands Produce in Us? Diligence Clearing of Ourselves Indignation Fear Vehement desire Zeal Vindication Prove Ourselves Clear How would Phinehas and Nehemiah react to this command? - What does it really mean to be Modest? - How much of my body do I really have to cover? - How do you define costly apparel? - Our culture today is different than the culture back then. - My behavior doesn’t influence my modesty. Is our first goal when reading this command to determine what it doesn’t mean?
In All Things, Proving Ourselves Clear What Do Commands Produce in Us? Diligence Clearing of Ourselves Indignation Fear Vehement desire Zeal Vindication Prove Ourselves Clear How would Phinehas and Nehemiah react to this command? - Is this command really applicable, or is just a generic saying? - Judge not by appearance. - Anything could look evil if someone thinks badly of me. - How do you define evil? - Just because it looks evil doesn’t make it evil. Abstain from Every Form of Evil I Thess. 5:22 Is our first goal when reading this command to determine what it doesn’t mean?
In All Things, Proving Ourselves Clear What Do Commands Produce in Us? Diligence Clearing of Ourselves Indignation Fear Vehement desire Zeal Vindication Prove Ourselves Clear How would Phinehas and Nehemiah react to these commands? - Who defines a corrupt word? - People say that all the time…what’s the big deal? - Everyone else talks about him/her like that. - You just took what I said the wrong way. - I was only joking…you’re so defensive! Let No Corrupt Word Proceed Out of Your Mouth Eph. 4:29 James 3 Is our first goal when reading these command to determine what it doesn’t mean?
In All Things, Proving Ourselves Clear How about US? Diligence Clearing of Ourselves Indignation Fear Vehement desire Zeal Vindication In all things, proving Ourselves Clear Matt. 5:19-41