SNAKE BITE - ISRAELITES (Complainers) Num 21:4-9 – Complaining tests God 1Cor 10:1-11 – Complaining is forbidden. Phil 2:14 – Complaining expresses a lack of contentment (contentment is a state of mind required of Christians 1Tim 6:8; Heb 13:5) LESSONS FROM ANIMAL ATTACKS
EATEN BY DOGS - JEZEBEL (Idolater) 1Ki 21:17-26 – Jezebel provoked Ahab to idolatry 1Ki 16:29-33; Eccl 7:26; 1Ki 11:1-4; Deut 7:1-4 Illustrates the lack of wisdom in marrying non-Christians – Elisha also prophesied Jezebel would be eaten by dogs 2Ki 9:1-10; 1Ki 18:4; Deut 32:43; 2Ki 9:30-37 – “Flee from idolatry" 1Cor 10:14; Col 3:5 LESSONS FROM ANIMAL ATTACKS
MAULED BY BEARS - 42 YOUTHS (Disrespectful) 2Ki 2:23-24 – 42 boys mauled because mocked baldness of a man of God – Honoring presence of age required under Law Lev 19:32; Prov 16:31; Job 12:12 – Younger obligated to submit to elders 1Pet 5:5 LESSONS FROM ANIMAL ATTACKS
CRUSHED BY LIONS - DANIEL'S (False Accusers) Dan 6:1-28 – Daniel's peers used his obedience against him Heb 11:33 – God avenges His oppressed servants Deut 32:43 – Prohibited from taking vengeance ourselves Rom 12:19 LESSONS FROM ANIMAL ATTACKS
EATEN BY WORMS - HEROD (Took God's glory) Acts 12:20-24 – People of Tyre and Sidon deified Herod – Tyre guilty in past of the same Ezek 28:1-10; Acts 14:8-18; John 10:33; Lev 24:16 – Pride, a failure to humble himself, was the real problem 1Pet 5:5-6; Prov 16:18; 11:2; 29:23 LESSONS FROM ANIMAL ATTACKS
Although God may not punish immediately now as He has in time past, sin will not go unpunished. Unless the Lord comes first, worms will cover us all someday, but by then, the spirit will have departed the body, and we should be unconcerned about it Job 21:26 What we should take concern with is whether undying worms will plague us in eternity. Mk 9:42-48 LESSONS FROM ANIMAL ATTACKS