© 2003 Daniel E. Mayne, Sr., M.A. © Daniel E. Mayne, Sr., M.A. The Bible God’s Covenant’s With Mankind Noah Read Genesis Chapters 6-9.


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Presentation transcript:

© 2003 Daniel E. Mayne, Sr., M.A. © Daniel E. Mayne, Sr., M.A. The Bible God’s Covenant’s With Mankind Noah Read Genesis Chapters 6-9

Review the Covenant made with Adam  covenant love requires total self-giving. Self- sacrifice is essential to fulfilling the obligations of the human relationship with God. A covenant means that God "gives Himself" to His people and the people, in turn vow to "give themselves" to God. There is no covenant without sacrifice. The sacrifice is offered by the people to symbolize their offering of "themselves" to God. The sacrifice is a kind of token of their commitment to the covenant, their commitment to give all that they have and all that they are to God.

First of the Seven Covenants Genesis 1:26 – God created man in his image Genesis 2:18 – It is not good for man to be alone, I will make a suitable partner for him Genesis 2:24 This is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife and the two of then become one body. Genesis 2:28 – Be fruitful and multiply Genesis 2:1 God blessed the seventh day and made it holy.

When God saw how great was man’s wickedness on earth…he regretted that he had made man… Genesis 6:5 …

But Noah found favor with God…so God told Noah to build an ark and bring two of each living animal……. Seven days from now, I will bring forth rain for forty days and forty nights

Trailer from Noah’s Ark Film

After 40 days, Noah sent out a raven, and then a dove 7 days later who returned with an olive leaf; and 7 days later he sent it out and it did not return. Genesis 8:6-12

Covenant with Noah Genesis 9  God blessed Noah and said: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth..”  I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between you and me,

Second of the Seven Covenants Genesis 6:18 I will establish my covenant with you and your sons. Genesis 9: God blessed Noah and said “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth Genesis 7:1 Go into the ark, you and all our household. Genesis 9: I set my bow to serve as a sign of the covenant between you and me.

Six of the Seven Covenants

Jesus fulfills the Covenant with Noah CreationNoahJesus Builds an arkBuilds his Church 40 days and nights of rain prepare for a new creation 40 days and nights of fasting and penance prepare for our new creation Creation begins with water The new creation begins with water Our creation begins with water God tells Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” God tells Noah and his family to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” Jesus tells us to “make disciples of all nations,” i.e. “to fill the earth with Christians”

© 2003 Daniel E. Mayne, Sr., M.A. © Daniel E. Mayne, Sr., M.A. The Bible God’s Covenant’s With Mankind Abraham Read Genesis 12-19, 21-22

God calls 75 year old Abram of Ur

God’s Three Promises to Abram 1.Land and a nation (fulfilled with Moses) 2. Kingship and a name (fulfilled with David) 3. Blessings for all nations (fulfilled with Jesus)

Abraham and Sarah  Abram will be called Abraham = “the father of a Multitude”  Sarai will be called Sarah = ‘Princess’ or Queen” ‘Princess’ or Queen” And she shall bear you a son “Issac” “he who laughs” “he who laughs”

Third of the Seven Covenants Every male among you shall be circumcised. Genesis 17: 9 Father of a Multitude of Nations. All families will be blessed.

Take your only son Isaac and offer him on Mount Moriah  Abraham responded to God’s direction without hesitation.  Think of his pain in thinking about sacrificing his long awaited son.  Isaac carries the wood

Abraham has faith in God and his faith and obedience is rewarded

The sacrifice of Isaac as a type for the sacrifice of Christ IsaacJesus Christ A father offers his beloved SonThe Father offers his beloved Son. The son submits to the father’s will.The Son submits to the Father’s will. Isaac caries the wood for his own sacrifice. Jesus carries his own wooden cross. God himself provides the sacrifice.God himself provides the perfect sacrifice

Abraham  Abraham sacrifices Issac 7.0 Abraham sacrifices Issac 7.0

Genesis Closes With Another Father, Jacob/Israel  We see a realistic father passing on his inheritance to his sons.  His oldest son will not be given primacy in the family.  We see this father dealing with his sons according to their abilities and strengths.  Jacob’s Ladder Jacob’s Ladder Jacob’s Ladder

The Bible Is About People Who Experience God in Their Lives.