Course Program, Evaluation, Exams George Georgiev Telerik Software Academy Technical Trainer
2 What's Coming Next in the Academy? Course Program The Trainers Team Evaluation Standard Criteria Bonuses Windows Store Developer Account Resources for the Course
Coming To The Next Module
4 The Academy is now split in two tracks Desktop & Mobile Track Web Development Track You are in the Desktop & Mobile Track Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS and JS WPF & XAML Windows 8 with C# and XAML (i.e. this course) Short name: Win 8 XAML Hybrid Mobile Apps
Software Academy Curriculum Software Academy Curriculum Software Academy Curriculum 5 the Academy the Academy the Academy Success Telerik Success Telerik Success Telerik
Topics to be covered
1. Store Apps with C# & XAML Intro, Asynchronous Programming with C# 2. UI Controls, Gestures, Pages, Navigation 3. Accessing files, Storage, App lifecycle 4. Data binding, Accessing remote data 5. Building a Store App from scratch using MVVM, Devices, Push notifications 6. Implementing a design for a Store App 7. Working with Contracts & Devices 8. Porting Windows 8 App to Windows 8 Phone 7
George Georgiev Technical Telerik Corp. Informatics and IT competitions contestant and winner Graduate from the third season of Telerik Software Academy georgi.georgiev [at] Blog: 9
Doncho Minkov Technical Telerik Software Academy Informatics competitions contestant Graduate from the first season of Telerik Software Academy doncho.minkov [at] Web site and blog:
Tsvyatko Konov Technical Telerik WinCore Team Software Developer and Lecturer .NET, WinRT, Windows Phone, etc. Co-author of "Intro Programming with Java" and "Intro Programming with C#" Blog:
George Atanasov XAML Front-end Telerik xLabs IT competitions contestant and winner Co-author of DriveFreeZ Design, UX and UI implementation 12
A bit different than other Academy courses
Evaluation components Course Project – 75 % Homework – 15 % Homework evaluation – 5 % 3 peer reviews per homework (excellent, OK, bad) Attendance in class – 5 % Bonuses Forums activity – bonus up to 10 % 14
Criteria for pass / pass with excellence / fail Pass with excellence Very high Course Project results App in Windows Store Pass Average total results App in Windows Store Fail Low total results or low exam results or no App in Windows Store after deadline 15
The Course Project is the main assessment for this course Build a finished Windows Store App Individually, throughout the course There will be a deadline for submitting apps to the store (1 month after course is over) Think up an idea for a project and implement it You will receive a full list of project evaluation criteria in a few days Last 3 days of the course – no lectures, finih your course project (you should start earlier) 16
Course Project evaluation and deliverables You submit your project no later than 23:59:59 on 4 October 2013 Full, compile-able and executable source code You submit a link to a (max) 2-minute public video in YouTube, briefly showing your project The trainers team evaluates your app Course project results will be published ASAP Final course results will be published around the 3 November
Everyone will get feedback for their homework Everyone will give feedback for few random homework submissions Students submit homework anonymously Please exclude your name from the submissions! For each homework submitted Students evaluate 3 random homeworks From the same topic, after the deadline Homework comments are not obligatory 18
You should check your presence on the barcode reader 3 times a day : In the morning when lectures begin (~10:30) After lunch break (~13:30) When you leave academy halls (~19:00) 19
You need it to upload your app
A Store developer account permits you To upload apps to the Store To earn money from your apps Typically paid (80 BGN/year for BG individuals) 80 BGN/year for BG individuals80 BGN/year for BG individuals You can receive it FREE through DreamSpark If you don't have a DreamSpark account, request it with an to (don't forget to mention your username and that your are enrolled in this course) You can share accounts with other students 21
What We Need in Addition to this Course Content?
Register for the "Telerik Academy Forums": Discuss the course exercises with your colleagues Find solutions for the exercises Share source code / discuss ideas Win 8 Apps with C# & XAML official web site: 23 courses/software-technologies/windows-eight- store-applications/about courses/software-technologies/windows-eight- store-applications/about development/windows-8-apps-with-xaml development/windows-8-apps-with-xaml
The Telerik Integrated Learning System (TILS) Important resource for all students Homework submissions Homework peer reviews Presence cards with barcode Reports about your results 24
Software needed for this course: Microsoft Visual Studio 2012/2013 or Visual Studio Express 2012 (free version of VS 2012 ) Visual Studio Express 2012Visual Studio Express 2012 Note: If you use Visual Studio 2013, be sure to download the one for "Windows 8 Apps" Windows 8 (Desktop + WinRT) 25
XAML knowledge is expected from you Desktop Apps with WPF & XAML Desktop Apps with WPF & XAML Desktop Apps with WPF & XAML Take a look at this year's other Windows Store App Course Windows 8 Store Apps with HTML, CSS and JS Windows 8 Store Apps with HTML, CSS and JS Windows 8 Store Apps with HTML, CSS and JS There will be a lot of things in common Doc roadmap for Windows Store apps with C# and XAML Doc roadmap for Windows Store apps with C# and XAML Doc roadmap for Windows Store apps with C# and XAML 26
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