Anti war/ Free Speech MovementAnti war/ Free Speech Movement SDS Music “Hell no, we won’t go!” “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?” MLK, Jane Fonda, Joan Baez, John Lennon, Bob Dylan Sit ins, teach ins
Election of 1968Election of 1968
Chicano MovementsChicano Movements
Black Panther Party for Self DefenseBlack Panther Party for Self Defense Bobby Seale, Huey Newton 10 Point Program “policing the police”
Watts RiotWatts Riot
D.C. Riot of 67D.C. Riot of 67
Baltimore Riots 68Baltimore Riots 68
Louisville Riot of 68Louisville Riot of 68
MLK and RFK AssassinationsMLK and RFK Assassinations
Counter CultureCounter Culture
Women NOW and Friedan No fault divorce Griswold v Connecticut Ms. Magazine and Gloria Steinem Women’s Strike for Equality Title IX and Title VII
Richard NixonRichard Nixon Checkers speech Silent majority vs “liberal establishment”
Stagflation: struggling economy, high inflaction Why? Growth of use of foreign cars Government regulation of safety Lack of raising taxes to pay for Great Society and Vietnam
Moon LandingMoon Landing NASA/NDEA/ Sputnik John Glenn (62) Kennedy and the Moon Race (Apollo Program) Gemini Program Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong (69)- Apollo 11
Vietnamization: removal of American troops from Vietnam Nixon Doctrine: we’ll continue our commitments in Asia but in the future, Southeast Asians will fight own battles
Kent StateKent State
Jackson StateJackson State
Students gainStudents gain Free speech movement Draft reductions 26 th amendment Pentagon Papers
Henry KissingerHenry Kissinger Sino Soviet Split
Nixon visits ChinaNixon visits China
Ping Pong DiplomacyPing Pong Diplomacy
Nixon visits MoscowNixon visits Moscow Détente: relaxed tension
Warren Court “old goats in black coats” Brown v Board Griswold v Connecticut: right to use contraceptives Gideon v Wainwright: all people accused deserve legal counsel, whether they can afford it or not Miranda v Arizona: rights of the accused must be told to you Engel v Vitale: no prayer in public school Roe v Wade: legalized abortion
Continuation of Great SocietyContinuation of Great Society Expansion of food stamps, Medicaid, Social Security Creation of AFDC (Aid to families with dependent children) Philadelphia Plan: timetables to hire blacks in industry jobs Creation of OSHA
Environment Rachel Carson and Silent Spring EPA created Clean Air Act of 1970 Endangered Species Act of 1973
War Powers ActWar Powers Act
Vietnam Cease FireVietnam Cease Fire Peace with honor!
The Middle EastThe Middle East 1973, Egyptians attack Israel to regain land from 6 Days War in 68 America backs Israel and OPEC writes oil embargo against America Creates an energy crisis
Gerald FordGerald Ford
SALT II and the Helsinki ConferenceSALT II and the Helsinki Conference
Feminism is doomed to failure because it is based on an attempt to repeal and restructure human nature.
Native AmericansNative Americans Civil Disobedience Wounded Knee, SD held hostage US v Wheeler: Indians have a unique and unlimited sovereignty
Jimmy CarterJimmy Carter
Camp David Peace AccordsCamp David Peace Accords
Return of Panama CanalReturn of Panama Canal
Second Energy CrisisSecond Energy Crisis
Iran Hostage SituationIran Hostage Situation