What is History??
Reciting events is not what studying History is about – understanding events is History The analysis of events – finding meaning in the stories of the past The past will always be interpreted in different ways due to cultural, social, political, religious and environmental beliefs. Interpreting evidence - evidence is the key The importance of articulating your argument
Aim – Develop Critical thought
Analyse Evaluate
Knowledge Age “The current school generation will face unprecedented change and unpredictability in the job market like no other generation has ever experienced, the key to their success will be in their ability to think critically.” – Mutah Kent – CEO of Coca Cola “Human kinds ability to create is outrunning its ability to deal with the problems it produces” – Warren Buffett “You live in a world of unprecedented change. It is a world in which a nations wealth, in the broadest sense will depend on the capacity of its people to learn” - Sir Ken Robinson
Global job market is becoming more competitive – between 2001 – 2009 the number of graduates in China increased from 1.1 Million to 6.1 Million. In 1900, 95% of the jobs were low skilled and required just the ability to follow instructions – in 2015 these jobs make up only 10 % in developed countries. During the 20 th cent most workers held 2-3 jobs during their lifetime- in the US the average is 10 before the age of 40. According to Time magazine the top 10 jobs projected for 2015 did not exist in It is estimated a weeks worth of the New York Time magazine contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18 th cent. In four years from the amount of new info produced equalled the amount produced in the entire previous History of the world.
Skills needed: At the Summit 2020 Business and Sector leaders outlined the most important skills required in the 21 st cent: Communicate effectively Collaborate Research ideas Collect, synthesise and analyses information Apply bodies of knowledge to problems that arise
Develop writing skills is essential!!!!
Six Historical Concepts : Historical significance – what is important? Interpretation of evidence – How do we justify knowledge? Continuity and Change - Change over time Cause and consequence - Why do events happen, and what are the consequences? Perspectives – Can we avoid presentism? – The imposition of the present on the past. Ethical dimension – How does History shape our moral stance today?
Excellence students will need to grapple with the tensions, complexities, and problems embedded in Historical thinking. Significance of religion Justification of violence Nationalism Discrimination/Persecution Equality
Topic One – Historical concepts
Topic 2 - Perspectives Irish nationalism or conflict in the middle East
Topic 3 - Cause and Consequence The Reformation
Assessment The course is divided into three Internal Assessments and one External Examination INTERNAL ASSESSMENT There will be two assignments: A historical research project and presentation of your research- AS 3.1 and AS 3.2 A perspectives research assignment- AS 3.4