Standards of Learning WHII.1 The student will improve skills in historical research and geographical analysis by... a) identifying, analyzing, and interpreting primary and secondary sources to make generalizations about events and life in world history since 1500 A.D. (C.E.) b) using maps, globes, artifacts, and pictures to analyze the physical and cultural landscapes of the world and to interpret the past since 1500 A.D. (C.E.) f) analyzing the impact of economic forces, including taxation, government spending, trade, resources, and monetary systems on events since 1500 A.D. (C.E.) WHII.6 The student will demonstrate knowledge of scientific, political, economic, and religious changes during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries by… e) describing the French Revolution WHII.8 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the political and philosophical developments in Europe during the nineteenth century by... a) assessing the impact of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna, including changes in political boundaries in Europe after 1815 b) describing unsuccessful revolutions on the continent…
Pre-Revolution Conditions Deficit spending by government leads to a financial crisis French government not in favor of taxing the First and Second Estates Those in the king’s court enjoyed the lavish lifestyle of King Louis XVI, but money was running out quickly Bad harvests sent food prices soaring and food shortages brought hunger to poor peasants and city dwellers
King Louis XVI
Taxes (Pre-Revolution) Peasants in general suffered the most with increases in taxes (First and Second Estates paid little to no taxes) Tithe (tax paid to the Church) Taxes to king’s agents, dues to nobles, taxes on basic staples Some use of taxation was unjust
Economic Changes During Revolution Abolished feudalism in 1789 Abolished slavery in 1794 (including France AND her colonies) Redistribution of Church property The Law of the Maximum
“The Sugar Mill”
What would you be willing to do if you were starving, poor, and seeing your loved ones die?
People surrender their personal wants and needs for someone who appears to be a beacon of hope
Napoleon: Benefits to the Economy Opened up more jobs based on talent rather than rank Drove down the price of food Established a national banking system Equalized taxes for all classes Set up efficient method of tax collection, ensuring the government a steady supply of tax money Encouraged new industry, built roads and canals
Downfall 1806, Napoleon sets up a blockade to prevent all trade and communication between Great Britain and other European nations Continental System Make Europe more self-sufficient French blockade fails due to the smuggling of cargo from Great Britain into Europe British establish their own blockade, which was better enforced due to the superior strength of their navy
1848 Revolutions France’s unemployment rate began to rise Middle class starting to grow poorer and needed to depend on welfare Discontent among the French heightened by a recession…factories shut down and people lost their jobs 1846 financial crisis and another bad harvest year, causing bread prices to rise (very similar conditions to the first revolution in 1789)
1848 Revolutions cont. National Workshops To fund these workshops the government needed to increase taxes on land Reduced unemployment and supported the working class Workshops eventually shut down due to discontent among the upper and middle classes Louis-Napoleon Built railroads, encouraged industrialization, promoted an ambitious program of public works Brought economic prosperity and contentment for bourgeoisie
References Bread. (October 24, 2012) Retrieved from bread-guest-post-by-michelle-van-loon/ bread-guest-post-by-michelle-van-loon/ Louis XVI #1. (October 24, 2012) Retrieved from Louis XVI #2. (October 24, 2012) Retrieved from The Three Estates. (October 24, 2012) Retrieved from The Sugar Mill. (October 24, 2012) Retrieved from # # The Execution of Louis XVI. (October 24, 2012) Retrieved from Napoleon Bonaparte. (October 24, 2012) Retrieved from