Michael Reynolds, PhD Associate Professor and Head University of Arkansas – Fort Smith
2014 ASEE Midwest Section Conference Fort Smith, AR Sept , 2014
Journal of Online Engineering Education
History Evolution Trends Projection
Published in JEE, January 2005 Most cited paper Noted that Engineering is behind other disciplines in online education Predicted collaboration would increase access.
Good fit for current engineers. Some programs such as Purdue used VHS tapes for earlier versions of distance learning. No accreditation issues. Money At least 170 different online Master’s programs in Engineering.
Cost per credit hour varied from $154 to $2630 Median cost was $623 instate, $1067 out of state US average is $253 per credit at four year public institutions
Online Programs Traditional Programs Types of Online Engineering Degrees
1.Columbia University 2.UCLA 3.University of Wisconsin 4.University of Southern California 5.Penn State 6.Purdue 7.University of Michigan 7.Virginia Tech 9.NC State 9.Texas A&M - Kingsville Source: US News and World Report
A combination of online and traditional learning. Many forms: Blackboard, Moodle, etc. Advantages: Space utilization, ability to review content, potentially reduced faculty time.
ProblemTraditional LectureHybrid Course Differential Equations Multivariable Optimization Solving for equation root % indicated they preferred hybrid course when compared to a traditional lecture.
89% indicated they preferred hybrid course to a full online course. 84% of students claimed they viewed all of the videos. Nearly all students claimed they watched at least one video multiple times.
Student feedback positive ProblemTraditional LectureHybrid Course Closed System Control Volume Heat Pump COP7.4
Teach content online Use the classroom for interaction, group work, projects, hands-on learning, etc. Newer idea, less research on effectiveness “The Flipped Classroom: A Survey of the Research” (2013, ASEE) – more controlled studies needed. Generally positive feedback.
Must have quality online content. Shorter is better. Must connect to what is being done in the classroom. Some students will not watch / will not like the videos. Might consider multiple formats.
MIT OCW 2012 “Year of the MOOC” Positives: Opportunity for all people to learn advanced subjects, great opportunity to enhance learning in traditional classrooms. Negatives: Uncertain business model, low completion rates, uncertain value. Coursera, EdX, Udacity, Udemy.
4 million users Received $65 million in capital, about $1 million in revenue Signature Track Low Completion Rates What are the value of the certificates?
Started in MOOCs, has already evolved to corporate training. Partnership with California public universities proved ineffective. Claims 1.6 million users.
Allows anyone with content to sell it through site. Some faculty making $100k+ 800,000 users
Khan Academy Holistic Numerical Methods- Autar Kaw ?????
“ABET won’t accredit online undergraduate degrees, right?”
Air Force Institute of Technology Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, U.S. Systems Engineering (MS) Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona, U.S. Electrical Engineering (BSE) Capella University Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S. Information Technology (BS) Oakland University Rochester, Michigan, U.S. Occupational Safety and Health (BS) Regis University Denver, Colorado, U.S. Computer Information Systems (BS) Computer Networking (BS) Computer Science (CPS) (BS) Thomas Edison State College Trenton, New Jersey, U.S. Nuclear Energy Engineering Technology (BS) Trinidad State Junior College Trinidad, Colorado, U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Technology (AAS) University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, Mississippi, U.S. Construction Engineering Technology (BS) Walden University Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S. Information Technology (BS)
Civil, Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical, Petroleum online with on campus labs. Already claim ABET accreditation.
States Expanding Online Education (Texas, Illinois, Florida, Arkansas) Young people are increasingly comfortable with watching videos. They are also learning online right now.
The students will demand it. ABET will accredit it. Industry will accept it. Trend is towards much greater enrollment in online programs. Traditional campuses are not going to disappear, but there are troubling trends.
Customization Certificate Training No academic calendar Privatization / Monetization
I hope to see you in Fort Smith, AR this September th