Created by: José Rivera
Born: November 27,1940 at the Chinese Hospital in San Francisco Chinatown His birth name is Juan Fan Lee After his birth his family moved back to Hong Kong
He was the fourth child out of five: Angus, Phoebe, Peter, and Robert His mother: (Grace Ho) was Chinese and a German ancestry His Father: (Lee Hoi- Chum) was also Chinese Wife: Linda Lee Cadwell Had two children one daughter (Shannon Emery Lee) and one son (Brandon Bruce Lee) Shannon: April 19, 1969 – Age:40 Brandon: February 1, 1965 – March 31,1993
Bruce had worked super hard until he perfected what he was working at He started taking Martial Arts at the age of twelve At age 18 because of all street fights he was in he was forced to move back to his place of birth (San Francisco)
Bruce died at the age of 32 on July 20, 1973 in Hong Kong from Cerebral Edema Brandon died because of an accidental gunshot wound from faulty prop revolver Bruce and Brandon are laid to rest next to each other in Seattle, Washington
Cerebral Edema is where there’s more fluid in the skull then there should be. Which causes the brain to swell up which, decreases the blood flow. That can cause brain damage or even death. Bruce was one of the few unlucky people where cerebral edema killed them.
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