Natalie GODDARD Holistic Health Coach, Marriage & Family Life Educator Devoted wife and Mother of 7; Passionate about empowering mamas to find real answers within doTERRA Double Diamond, Co-Creator of Share Success Thrives on working hard creating content and sharing it, playing in nature with family, and following her intuition to make a difference
Cherie BURTON Mother Bear of 5; Passionately driven to help others find Wellness, Beauty, Wholeness Degrees in psychology and sociology Upcoming book, The Depression Cleanse is the culminating work of over 20 years of extensive research and in-the-trenches outreach doTERRA Blue Diamond; Empowers international audiences with knowledge and tools to balance body chemistry, overcome challenges and become well
Stacy RUSSON Inspired by her experience training Autistic children, devoted 15 years of practical study to mental and emotional health & behavior Pioneer in the language of emotions as a practiced Educator and trusted Facilitator Loyal and devoted Mother of 4 President of a women's organization, providing individual counsel to hundreds of families, teenagers and women
Jenny SWIM Graduated Magna Cum Laude from Brigham Young University, degree in Communications Dedicated over 20 years to the study and application of natural health practices Certified Emotion Code practitioner Mother of 3; Served 15+ years in various leadership capacities for organizations dedicated to the needs of women and children
Robin JONES 12+ years’ experience as Massage Therapist and Holistic Health Coach Passionate about helping the discouraged and hopeless Mother of 6 young children; Dedicated to finding joy in moments and sharing lessons learned along the way Blue Diamond with focus on teaching Mood & Emotions; Speaker at doTERRA convention, wellness symposiums and living rooms across the world!
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Upcoming Events Oct 7, 7 pm- Red Lion Hotel St. George, UT Oct 20, 7 pm – Grand View Event Center Ogden, UT Oct 19, 7 pm – Aloft Broomfield Hotel Broomfield/Denver, CO
Would you like to be more happy, connected and empowered?
In this class, you will learn: science The science behind emotion & essential oils Toolshabits Tools & habits for healthy body chemistry Practical emotional wellness steps you can take NOW
whole You are created to function as a whole.
intelligent restorehealth Your body is made up of intelligent cells, wired to restore health.
information react mpact EMOTIONS are information-carrying molecules that: 1) Bind to -and react with- cell receptors 2) Get into cells 3) Impact cell function & behavior.
throughout Emotions are processed throughout the body.
“The 3 Brains”
three brains “The three brains communicate with each other. They feed back to, and therefore influence the mind.” Dr. Caroline Leaf, Neuropsychologist
instinctively Your “3 Brains” instinctively process every life experience.
chemically Emotions & Essential Oils interact chemically.
Essential oils promote emotional purification (detoxification) and anchor in healthy biochemistry and anchor in healthy biochemistry.
dynamic… and Essential Oils are dynamic… supporting your body physically and emotionally.
Cellular support for the “3 brains”
Gut cleansing restores clear thinking and improves mood.
HabitsLifestyle Habits Lifestyle
drop by drop “You fill a bucket drop by drop. thought by thought You clear your mind thought by thought. moment by moment You heal yourself moment by moment.” Lisa Wimberger, Founder, Neurosculping Institute
20 class handouts 25 invitations 20 class handouts 25 invitations $12.00 $5.00 $12.00 $5.00