1 GE-Sw011 Southern Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Ocean Outfall Rule Change Pilot Testing Plan of Study Development Monday, February 13, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

1 GE-Sw011 Southern Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Ocean Outfall Rule Change Pilot Testing Plan of Study Development Monday, February 13, 2012

2 GE-Sw011 Outfall Rule Key Components ■ Advanced Wastewater Treatment (AWT) ■ 60% Reuse Compliance Approaches  Floridan Recharge$ - $$$  Canal Recharge $$$  Biscayne Recharge$$$  Dual Distribution$$$$  (Cost Share/Virtual Credit)($) ■ Planning and Reporting ■ Outfall Closure

3 GE-Sw011 SRWWTP AWT: Cumulative Nutrient Loading

4 GE-Sw011 Outfall Closed Ocean Outfall Rule Planning and Reporting Initial Detailed Implementation Plan Initial Detailed Implementation Plan Initial Progress Report and Action Items Initial Progress Report and Action Items 12/31/09 7/01/13 * Progress Report and Action Items Update Progress Report and Action Items Update 12/31/14 Detailed Implementation Plan Update Detailed Implementation Plan Update 7/01/16 Progress Report and Action Items Update Progress Report and Action Items Update 12/31/19 Progress Report and Action Items Update Progress Report and Action Items Update 12/31/24 Completed *Extension to 10/1/14 proposed under legislation amendment

5 GE-Sw011 Uncertainties of implementing Floridan Reuse fall into three major categories Regulatory/Policy 1 Hydrogeological 3 Treatment/ Water Quality 2

6 GE-Sw011 Floridan Aquifer Literature Review ■ Review of over 50 technical publications and documents ■ Approximately 15 pilot and full-scale plants (2 in Broward)

7 GE-Sw011 Floridan Aquifer Recharge – Regulatory/Policy Knowns: ■ 12 Months of Pilot Testing Required ■ Testing at Hollywood facility is required ■ Recharge is Reuse Unknowns: ■ Microconstituent removal requirements ■ Total Nitrogen Removal Waiver ■ Phosphate Limit Waiver ■ TDS Removal Waiver

8 GE-Sw011 Floridan Aquifer Recharge – Water Quality Knowns: ■ MF/RO/UV-AOP is industry standard ■ Floridan TDS > 500 mg/L ■ Cost Effective New Resins in Ion Exchange can remove specific constituents ■ Key drivers of technology ●Nitrate (<10 mg/L) ●Phosphate (<0.01 mg/L) ●Microconstituents Unknowns: ■ Suitability of AOPs: UV/H 2 O 2 vs Ozone/H 2 O 2 ■ Effectiveness of AOP w/o MF/RO Pre-treatment

9 GE-Sw011 Floridan Aquifer Recharge – Hydrogeology Knowns: ■ ASR projects have included discharge to (and withdrawal from) the Floridan Unknowns: ■ Impacts of long-term discharge to confined aquifer ■ Geochemical issues by injecting oxygenated, low pH or aggressive (non- native) water into the Floridan

10 GE-Sw011 Next Steps

11 GE-Sw011 Phase 1 – Scope of Services ■ Effluent Treatment Plan of Study Development ■ Regulatory Discussions and Approval ■ Floridan Aquifer Injection Data Gathering

12 GE-Sw011 Phase 2 – Pilot Plant Design, Operation and Report Treatment ■ Pilot Test Design/ Permit/ Procurement ■ Pilot System Construction/ Operation ■ Pilot Test Data Collection and Analyses ■ Pilot Test Summary Report Disposal ■ Floridan Aquifer Conceptual Recharge Modeling ■ Floridan Aquifer Recharge Disposal Pilot Test Design/Permit ■ Aquifer Recharge Disposal Pilot Test & Report ■ Regulatory Discussions and Approval

13 GE-Sw011 Schedule to Comply with Outfall Rule Change

14 GE-Sw011 Questions