Additional Content Keith Flory Education and Training Manager
Monday: AM: Have now recovered from travel to camp. 5hrs zone 1 in no bigger group that 4 riders. Cadence high, above 100 average for ride. PM: Recovery Tuesday: AM: 6hrs zone 1. Again small groups. PM: Recovery Wednesday: AM: 2hrs zone 2. Group of 4. Cadence high (100rpm) PM: Meet with S&C coach to work through functional analysis Thursday: AM: 2hrs zone 2. Group of 4. Cadence high (100rpm) PM: Recovery and team meeting. Friday: AM: 6hrs – 2hrs zone 1, 2hrs zone 2, 2hrs zone 1. PM: Recovery and hydration! Saturday: AM: 5hrs – 2hrs zone 1, 2hrs zone 2, 1hr zone 1. Sunday: AM: Rest day. Prescribing Training for Team Pursuit: Preparation
Prescribing Training for Team Pursuit: Pre-Comp Monday: AM: Travel home from 4 day stage race. PM: Recover Tuesday: AM: 1hr Zone R. Focus on recovery and no efforts. PM: Recovery. Ensure you have feet up! Wednesday: Day off. Thursday: AM: 2hrs: Zone 1 for 30min, Z2 for 1hr, Z1 for 30min. Flat ride but ensure gears are light and cadence is high. PM: Absolute recovery. No shopping, house work or DIY! Friday: AM: 2hrs zone 1. PM: Pack and as much rest as possible. Saturday:AM: 1hr zone 1. Light spin before travel to race. PM: Travel with team to 5day stage race. Remember your travel strategy and goals we set for travelling Sunday: AM: Late start due to late arrival at hotel. 2hrs zone 2, with 2X5min zone 5 with 10min rec between efforts. No stress, high cadence. PM: Recover and team meeting. It will be hot, so follow the team guidance notes on hydration.
Prescribing Training for Team Pursuit: Competition Monday: Am: 30min, easy ride Zone 1 PM: Track – T.P. 4X Flying 5km. 51X14. 10min rec between efforts. 2 X Flying 1km. Tuesday: AM: 1hr Recovery. PM: Track – T.P. 2X Flying 4km. 51X14. 10min rec between efforts. 2X Flying 1km. Wednesday: AM: 2hrs zone recovery & 1. No stress, easy gears. PM: Rest. Focus on recovery and ensure hydration and nutrition is as discussed. Thursday: AM: 2hrs Zone 2. 2x10min at Zone 4. Again light gears throughout. PM: Recovery & feet up! Friday: AM: 1hr Zone 1 PM: Track – IP session. 1X8min 17.6 s/lap, 2X Standing 500m. Controlled, race paced starting effort. Saturday: AM: 30min rollers. Zone 1 PM: Track – TP efforts 2X Flying 2km 51X14, 10min recovery between efforts. 2XStandig 2km efforts. 15min recovery between efforts Sunday:AM: 1hr Zone R PM: Feet Up. Focus on recovery.
Training prescription: Preparation Gym Session (Strength) Warm-up on exercise bike - 5mins zone 2, 5mins zone 3, 2mins zone 4. Squats - 3 sets of 8 reps 70%. Straight-legged dead lift - 3 sets of 8 reps 70%. Back extension - 3 sets of 12 reps. Crunches - 3 sets of 12 reps. Oblique crunches - 3 sets of 12 reps. Reverse crunch - 3 sets of 12 reps. Hip lifts - 3 sets of 12 reps. Cool-down on bike - 5mins zone 2. Road Session (Aerobic endurance) Road ride 2 hours - 1 hour zone 3 on a hilly course, maintain seated position if possible up hills. 1 hour on a flat course maintain zone 2. Keep close eye on your heart rate and be careful not to allow yourself to go over your zone 3 limit. Prescribing Training for Sprint
Training prescription: Pre-Competition Gym Session (Strength) Warm-up on exercise bike - 5mins zone 2, 5mins zone 3, 2mins zone 4, 5mins zone 3, 2mins zone 5. Squats - 3 sets of 6 reps 90%. Straight-legged dead lift - 3 sets of 5 reps 90%. Back extension - 2 sets of 10 reps holding 20kg weight. Crunches - 2 sets of 20 reps. Oblique crunches - 2 sets of 20 reps. Reverse crunch - 2 sets of 20 reps. Hip lifts - 2 sets of 20 reps 70%. Cool -down on bike - 5mins zone 2. Track session (Power and speed) Warm-up - 5mins zone 2, 5mins zone 3, 2mins zone 4, 2mins zone 3, 1min zone 5. ¼ ¼ ¼ ½ lap starts - 3 sets, 4mins rest between reps, 20mins rest between sets. Supra-max zone 90, 92, 94, 96 gear” 10mins cool-down - zone 2 Prescribing Training for Sprint
Max Power Test VO2max and Maximum Minute Power (MMP) Duration: 8 – 14 minutes Intensity: Stepped protocol, raising watts per minute / or ramped with an increase in power by 5 watts per 15sec Start intensity: Based on prior assessment or estimate of performance (ie ability, weight, age) Frequency: 1 or 2 per year For VO 2 max to be measured, gas analysis will be required For power a measurement device is required (SRM, Powertap etc).
Max Power Test Body Mass (KG)Stage of Development (Watts) MaleTalent IdentificationNational World Elite < Female < Estimated start powers for various abilities of riders for the Maximum Power test.
Max Power Test Start of Test 200 Watts 225w 250w 275w 300w 325w 350w 375w 400w 425w 450w Example of the ‘steps’ of a Maximum Minute Power Test. Each step of 1minute duration 10min easy Warm-up Test continues until exhaustion
30 Second Sprint Test Measurement: Peak power Average sprint over 30 secs / anaerobic capacity Fatigue index Performed on static ergometer, following appropriate warm up sprints as hard / fast as possible for 30 secs. Repeated tests can be performed with recovery interval to assess fatigue 30 Second Max Sprint 10-15min Warm-up 10-15min Cool Down 4min Recovery
6 Second Sprint Test Six-Seconds Test Measurement: Peak power Performed on static ergometer, following appropriate warm up sprints as hard / fast as possible for six seconds 6 Second Max Sprint 10-15min Warm-up 10-15min Cool Down 2min Recovery
Positioning Position of mass centre Shoulder extension Knee extension Drop saddle handle bar
Road races Knee extension degrees. Shoulder extension 90 degrees. Position of mass center: edge of scapula over BB. Drop saddle handle bar: 4 to 10 cmtrs.
Road Time Trial Knee extension degrees. Shoulder extension 90 degrees. Position of mass center: edge of scapula over pedal spindle. Drop saddle handle bar: 12 to 18 cmtrs.
Track Pursuit Races Knee extension degrees. Shoulder extension 90 degrees. Position of mass center: edge of scapula over pedal spindle. Drop saddle handle bar: 15 to 20 cmtrs.
Track Sprint races Knee extension degrees. Shoulder extension 110 degrees. Position of mass center: edge of scapula over crank mid point. Drop saddle handle bar: 10 to 20 cmtrs.
Gear Table Standard Sprint Rim with normal road tubular tyre SPROCKET SIZE
Gear Table Standard Sprint Rim with 18mm low profile tubular and standard standard 700c rim with racing typre slick H.P. tyre SPROCKET SIZE