Atmospheric Sciences Research Center University at Albany QA/SAC for the Americas World Data Centre for Precipitation Chemistry QA/SAC of the Americas Volker A. Mohnen and Timothy L. Coleman Geneva Funded by: US GCOS and NOAA/ARL (Howard Diamond, Bruce Hicks, and Richard Artz)
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center University at Albany QA/SAC for the Americas World Data Centre for Precipitation Chemistry Summary Maintain World Calibration Center for Precip. Chem. Maintain World Data Center for Precip. Chem. Prepare assessments and collaborate with the scientific community Establish a viable global Aerosol Speciation Programme, GASP, in cooperation with the SAG-Aerosol
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center University at Albany QA/SAC for the Americas World Data Centre for Precipitation Chemistry QA/SAC Website file:///e:/ASRC/qasac/GAW2005-Geneva- March/Volker_Items/index.htm file:///e:/ASRC/qasac/GAW2005-Geneva- March/Volker_Items/intercomp.htm
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center University at Albany QA/SAC for the Americas World Data Centre for Precipitation Chemistry IC Passing Regression
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center University at Albany QA/SAC for the Americas World Data Centre for Precipitation Chemistry Additional Goal Establishment of a viable GAW Aerosol Speciation Programme (GASP) as called for by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and the WMO-GAW community.
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center University at Albany QA/SAC for the Americas World Data Centre for Precipitation Chemistry Whitepaper: Overview of Networks Several national and international research and compliance networks in Europe (e.g. EMEP) and North America (e.g. IMPROVE, STN) deploy co- located PM 10 and PM 2.5 samplers with chemical speciation and are potential contributing partners. The data are readily available and all phases of data collection, analysis and data management are documented in detail. Several examples are presented and are further detailed in the Appendices of the Whitepaper. In addition there exist research and government operated networks for aerosol chemistry in many regions of the world including Asia, Africa and Australia. Those stations should also be considered as contributing partners.
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center University at Albany QA/SAC for the Americas World Data Centre for Precipitation Chemistry GAW Aerosol Speciation Programme, GASP A conceptual plan for the design and implementation of a GAW Aerosol Speciation Programme, GASP (mass and chemical composition in two size fractions, namely PM 10 and PM 2.5 ) has been developed in this Whitepaper that is based on and/or takes into account: (1)the recommendations developed by GAW (GAW Strategic Plan, WMO-GAW Report No. 142, and the Addendum for the Period , WMO-GAW Report No. 156) and in particular by the SAG-Aerosol (WMO- GAW report No. 153), (2)the current status of national, regional and global aerosol networks that are potential “contributing partners” to the GAW Aerosol Speciation Programme, and (3)the quality assurance requirements, and the technological and scientific constraints in operating a “globally harmonized” aerosol chemical speciation network.
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center University at Albany QA/SAC for the Americas World Data Centre for Precipitation Chemistry GAW Aerosol Speciation Programme, GASP Establish/designate a Gaw World Calibration Center to support the GAW Aerosol Speciation Programme (GASP) with focus on the GAW reference method i.e. filter sampling and subsequent laboratory analysis. Establish/designate a GAW World Calibration Center to support the GAW Aerosol Speciation Programme (GASP) with focus on instrument calibration. Develop an overall Project Quality Management Plan (PQMP) for the GAW aerosol speciation programme (GASP) that takes into account the optimal utilization of data provided by contributing partners.
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center University at Albany QA/SAC for the Americas World Data Centre for Precipitation Chemistry GAW Aerosol Speciation Programme, GASP Review Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) from contributing partner networks. Develop QAPPs and SOPs for all components of the GAW Reference Method, including monitoring hardware, filter media (Teflon, nylon, and quartz), laboratory methods and Performance Evaluation Programmes (PEPs). Harmonize the QA-procedures to the maximum extent possible with contributing partners.
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center University at Albany QA/SAC for the Americas World Data Centre for Precipitation Chemistry GAW Aerosol Speciation Programme, GASP Review recent developments in semi-continuous/ continuous PM-monitoring instruments for mass and chemical composition with the goal of eventually incorporating these methods in the GAW Aerosol Speciation Programme (GASP). Prepare all necessary QA- documentation/ procedures (QAPP, SOP and PEP) and harmonize the QA-procedures to the maximum extent possible with contributing partners.