Importance of homeostasis Provides optimum conditions for F the efficient functioning of the F body tissues
Kidney Q Regulate the amount of water and mineral salt Q removal of waste products from the body
The structure of kidneys It made up of three parts : 4 Cortex 4 medulla 4 pelvis
The structure of kidneys 4 Each kidney made up of many tubules called nephrons 4 Each kidney made up of two parts : Bowman’s capsule & collecting duct
How the nephron works ? 4 Ultrafiltration 4 Reabsorption
Role of the kidney in homeostasis 4 Osmoregulation 4 Removal of excess salt 4 Excretion
Skin 4 Regulation of body temperature
Structure of skin
Regulation of body temperature enzyme work best over a certain range of temperature important to keep the body temperature constant
Regulation of body temperature animals can be classified into two types : Poikilotherms & Homoiotherms
Poikilotherms Cold blood animals have little control over their body temperature their body temperature vary with that of the surroundings e.g. fish, amphibians
Homoiotherms warm-blood animals can keep their body temperatures constant irrespective of the surrounding temperature have temperature control system e.g. birds and mammals
How mammals control their body temperature? Heat loss heat gain
When the body is hot Increase heat loss More sweat is secreted Vasodilation erector muscle relax develop thinner subcutaneous fat
When the body is hot Reduce heat gain decrease the metabolic activities of liver cells and the contraction of muscles cells
When body is cold Reduce heat loss Vasconstriction Erector muscles contract sweat glands produce less sweat develop thicker subcutaneous fat and thicker fur
When body is cold Increase heat gain higher metabolic activities of liver cells and by shivering
Liver and pancreas 4 Regulation of blood glucose level
The control of blood glucose level 4 the blood glucose level is controlled by insulin it is a feedback system
When Blood glucose level is too high –E.g. after a meal –pancreas secretes insulin which causes liver to convert glucose to glycogen –Blood glucose levels then falls –normal blood glucose level is then recovered
When blood glucose level is too low 4 E.g. a long time after a meal 4 pancreas secretes less insulin so liver converts glycogen to glucose 4 blood glucose level then rises normal blood glucose level is recovered