Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Status of day-one experiment commissioning at COSY 2016-6-23 Huagen Xu Goa, Mar. 11-15 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Status of day-one experiment commissioning at COSY Huagen Xu Goa, Mar

Goals of day-one experiment at HESR 2 Day-one location Cluster target at ANKE COSY Pbarp elastic scattering Coincidence (forward&recoil) Large range of t : GeV 2 Test method Recoil arm construction Commissioning at COSY

Recoil Arm Si : 76.8 x 50 x 1 (mm) (1.2 mm pitch) Ge: 80.4 x 50 x 5/11 (mm) (1.2mm pitch) Fixed plane for commissioning Top view

Achievements: High leakage current problem has been fixed To do: Test with new chamber Final assembly Part 1: Detectors MICRON Achievements: Test after rework for Si To do: Final assembly

Part 2: FEE Mesytec: MPR16: 16ch with variable gain MPR1: for rear side MSCF16: 16ch with LE timing output MADC32: peak sensing ADC, input range and bit resolution selectable Received: quantity 1.MPR / 12 2.MPR-1 5 / 5 3.MSCF /12 4.MADC-32 6 / 6 Achievements: All new required modules received To do: Test with final setup

To be received: quantity Long cable set 14 Achievements: Crates, logic modules, NIM crates, racks are complete Production of cables between detector and preamplifier are finished To do: Final assembly with long cable set Received: quantity New NIM crate 2

7 Part 3 : DAQ and test system DAQ hardware: - VME crate - 6 MADC CAEN V785 DAQ software: - IRQ mode (under work) - Online display (realized) New test chamber with coldhead: - 5.0e-8 mbar after cooling - 42K reachable with test Ge detector Achievements: Hardware are completed To do: Code work for DAQ Ge test with new test chamber

Coldhead Venting valve Vacuum gauge Preamplifiers Compressor

Part 4: Cluster target The expected specification of existing cluster target at ANKE location has been verified by target operating group. The relevant change of the cluster target will be done together with the installation of recoil arm. Proposal to use the ANKE cluster target has been accepted by ANKE collaboration! Achievements: New collimator has been prepared To do: Changing the collimator and test its spec afterwards

10 Part 5: Detector chamber Existing target chamber Achievements: Chamber construction has been finished by week 8 at ZAT To do: Final assembly with detectors, Pt100 sensor as well as heater Lab test for the complete setup

Detector chamber has been constructed

Side flange with cold plate

13 Part 6: Cooling and Temperature controller Cooling for test chamber LN2 solution & coldhead Cooling for experiment Coldhead is working properly Achievements: 40 K reached with no load on coldhead Temperature control with PID setting is working fine To do: Operate coldhead with detector and temperature controller Temperature controller Lakeshore 336 controller is being tested and tuned. Heating function is working properly with PID control

General Topics  Infrastructure at site (to be fixed in Oct. ) Power supply (available) Space to put FEE rack (fixed) Space to put coldhead compressor (to be found in tunnel) Cooling water for compressor (existing) Ventilation status at site (Rack will be outside of tunnel)  Installation schedule Target modification (after Week 16) Day-one chamber installation (during Week 17-24) Pumping time requested (not known yet)  Slow control system for day-1 setup Pumps (integrated into COSY slow control system)  Beam time applied On Week 30 and Week 39

Thanks for your attention!

Starting with one recoil arm Sketch of day-one experiment Large t-range (pbarp): GeV 2

PANDA Performance evaluation with pure elastic events Setting for event generator(DPM): P lab : 6.2 GeV/c, pure elastic events Theta_min : 0.113°(~1.98mrad) Events : 5M Parameters : σ el = 18.97mb, σ tot = 64.50mb, b = 11.89(GeV/c) -2, ρ = t: [ ] lumi: ~ 0.39% The measurable t is limited to a small range!