Neonatal Transport CE CERTIFIED TransNANO Transport Incubators WINNER Of TransNANO Transport Incubators Winner of Emergency Medical Service TransNANO II TransNANO I
TransNANO Incubator No POWER to run Dimensions: 26" x 14" x 14" Weights only 7-15 Kgs Light Weight Construction made of plastic fibre Even a nurse can lift with one hand Maintains constant temp for 3 hours Fits even in a TATA NANO Lower Consumption of Supplemental Oxygen Dimensions: 26" x 14" x 14"
TransNano – I – Zero Power Heat the resusable pouch in hot water till all the solid material turns into liquid in 10 min. Place the pouch in baby tray compartment and lay the baby inside the incubator Temperature will remain constant at 36-37 deg C for atleast 3-4 hours until liquid material doesn’t solidify again
TransNano – II – 100W Power Compact size and fast air circulation allows the requirement of just 100W Power and 29°C - 36°C temperature rise is achieved in 5 min Microprocessor Based PID Temperature Control Mechanism Backup of more than 2 hours on Car Battery - 12V, 28Ah
FEATURES Traditional Transport Incubators TransNANO II TransNANO I POWER Consumes High Power from 200-450W Consumes only 100W of Power Consumes ZERO Power BATTERY To run for 2 hours, at least 12V, 65Ah Battery needed Runs on Car Battery on Battery Charger Socket Not Needed Runs on Special Mattress CHARGING Require frequent charging as batteries drain out faster Car Fuel continuously charges Car Battery Mattress has to be heated for 5 minutes to melt the solid material Temperature Maintenance Servo Control Mechanism PID based Servo Temp Control with fast Air Circulation solid material once liquified maintains temp of mattress at 37°C RUN TIME Runs for 1-2 hours depending on battery Runs till the time Petrol /Diesel is present in Car Maintains 37°C temperature for 3-4 hours
Traditional Transport Incubators TransNANO II TransNANO I TROLLEY Requires Bulky Trolley to fit Battery, Cylinders No Need for a Trolley, Can be lifted with one hand No need for a Trolley, Can be lifted with one hand WEIGHT At least 30-40 Kg Only 13 Kg Only 7 Kg AMBULANCE Baby can be transported only in special Neonatal Ambulances It can fit in smallest of car or ambulance (adult / neonatal) OXYGEN High Consumption of Oxygen Low requirement for supplemental oxygen
Neonatal Transport TPBI 1000 Transport Incubators Light weight, ergonomic construction with ABS moulded cabinet. PID Based Microprocessor based Temperature Control Inbuilt Invertor for operating on DC Battery Use AC Power and DC Power alternatively, DC 12V Car Battery Power on the ambulance. Removable Baby Tray with easy positioning device along with cushioned bed. Fully accessible, transparent acrylic canopy with guarded ventilation and inlets for Oxygen, IV and sensor cables. Natural air flow humidity variance system. Audio and Visual Alarms for all functions including overheat, set temperature, sensor failure, power failure. TPBI 1000 with AUTO LOADING Collapsible Trolley and TransVent Transport Ventilator and Patient Monitor
Neonatal Transport System with Trolley Collapsible Stainless Steel Trolley is specially constructed for using Transport Incubator and Transport Ventilator inside Neonatal Ambulance. Space enough for Two Medium Sized Oxygen Cylinders. Infusion Pump clamping stand as well as space for Patient monitors too. Heavy Lockable Castor wheels.
AVI Healthcare Private Limited THANK YOU AVI Healthcare Private Limited Factory: 25, Nanddeep Industrial Estate, Kondivita Lane, Near JB Nagar, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400059 Mobile: +91 9322294345, +91 9820228952 Landline: +91 22 28326240 / +91 22 28320452 / +91 66926066 Email id: /