Born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina Born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina Major: Biology with Teacher Certification Major: Biology with Teacher Certification Married for 7 years to high school sweetheart Married for 7 years to high school sweetheart 2 beautiful children 2 beautiful children Management experience at Chick-fil-A Management experience at Chick-fil-A
4-year Bachelor of Science in Biology with an education emphasis or minor. Teachers must be licensed by the state in which they teach. (G.A.C.E.) Courses in a Biology program with an education emphasis may include math, chemistry, teaching methods and physics.
Must be able to keep their students on task and engaged. Employ various teaching methods to meet students' individual needs.
Social Networking Prior References Make yourself standout NEA - current member. National Education Association. Kappa Delta Pi - current member. International Honor Society in Education. GAE- current member. Professional Association of Georgia Educators. PAGE
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