Unit 2 The king Arrives. Lesson 1 King is Born O The Messiah was to come from the O _____________ ______ __________ O 2. Jesus, as David’s heir, made.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 The king Arrives

Lesson 1 King is Born O The Messiah was to come from the O _____________ ______ __________ O 2. Jesus, as David’s heir, made his entry in David’s brith place : ____________. The conditions were anything but _________. O 3. Jesus came as a ____________king. O 4. Jesus had to leave his ___________ _____ and become _________.

Jesus Relives Israel’s story O Before his public ministry, Jesus ____ ___________ by John and __________. O Jesus was baptized to fulfill all ____________. He performed every act of righteousness that we __________ should have done. O He did not just fulfill certain prophesies but the entire story of ____________. O In every area that ________ failed, Jesus was righteous.

This is how the prophet Jeremiah spoke about the day of redemption (the day of the Lord): “‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity.... I will break the yoke off their necks and will tear off their bonds; no longer will foreigners enslave them. Instead, they will serve the Lord their God and David their king, whom I will raise up for them.... All your enemies will go into exile. Those who plunder you will be plundered... But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds.... The city [Zion] will be rebuilt on her ruins, and the palace will stand in its proper place.... I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel.... I will be their God, and they will be my people.... They will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest’” (Jeremiah 30–31, selections).

1. What did the Jews expect to happen on “the day of the Lord,” when God redeemed his kingdom? 1.Back from captivity, freedom 2.Enemies into exile 3.Health and heal their wounds 4.Rebuild Jerusalem 5.God would make a new covenant 6.Foreigners would no longer enslave them 7.They would all know the Lord

Summarize the meaning of the parable How does this challenge the expectation that God’s kingdom will come just once to redeem Israel, destroy enemies and fix the world? Matt. 13: 24 – 30, Both good and bad- believers and unbelievers will grow to together until the end God will not immediately judge all evil, delaying judgement time to grow Matt. 13:31-35 Start small and insignificant into something grand Humbly -- glorious Grow over time Matt 13: Kingdom valuable but hidden. Requires sacrifice Requires sacrifice Luke 15: 1-10 God wants to bring lost things into the fold such as the Gentiles Not only to redeem Israel Luke 14:15-24 Jews reject all outsiders Gentiles will take their place

The Jews were expecting one Powerful Kingdom Did Jesus complete the prophecy?

What mysteries are revealed through the parables? O The kingdom was unfolding but not yet complete. It would come in stages. O It would be prolonged between two comings of the lord O The kingdom would be ushered in humbly and quietly and grow until the time of the second coming. O The parables were confrontational: asking the listeners to give up their own expectation of the kingdom

What is another mystery revealed in the NT but not the old? O The Trinity : Only revealed after Jesus came to earth.

Were the Jews wrong to expect one powerful kingdom? O No, but they should have shifted their thinking once they began to see the work of Jesus. They were stuck in their expectations. The parables should have helped them see it was not the way they thought it would be.

What was the Key to understanding the parables? O No, barrier was spiritual, not intellectual