Irregular Verbs
What is the past tense of dance? What is the past tense of sing?
Irregular verbs are just that – IRREGULAR. In English, regular verbs consist of three main parts: the root form (present), the (simple) past, and the past participle. i.e. dance, danced, have danced Regular verbs have an -ed ending added to the root verb for both the simple past and past participle. Irregular verbs do not follow this pattern, and instead take on an alternative pattern. i.e. sing, sang, sung There is no rhyme or reason! The only way to learn irregular verbs is to memorize them.
SAT Favorites PresentPastPast Perfect RiseRoseRisen RaiseRaised RunRanRun GoWentGone DoDidDone SingSangSung BringBrought DrinkDrankDrunk SwimSwamSwum Beat Beaten LayLaid LieLayLain
Other Irregular Verbs PresentPastPast Perfect BeWas/wereBeen BecomeBecameBecome BeginBeganBegun BlowBlewBlown BreakBrokeBroken BuildBuilt Burst ButBought CatchCaught ChooseChoseChosen ComeCameCome Cut DealDealt DriveDroveDriven EatAteEaten FallFellFallen
PresentPastPast Perfect FeedFed FeelFelt FightFought FindFound FlyFlewFlown ForbidForbadeForbidden ForgetForgotForgotten ForgiveForgaveForgiven FreezeFrozeFrozen GetGotGotten GiveGaveGiven GrowGrewGrown HaveHad HearHeard HideHidHidden HoldHeld Other Irregular Verbs
PresentPastPast Perfect Hurt KeepKept KnowKnewKnown LeadLed LeaveLeft Let LoseLost MakeMade MeetMet PayPaid Quit Read RideRodeRidden SaySaid SeeSawSeen SeekSought Other Irregular Verbs
PresentPastPast Perfect SellSold SendSent ShakeShookShaken ShineShone SitSat SleepSleptslept SpeakSpokeSpoken SpendSpent SpringSprangSprung StandStood StealStoleStolen SwingSwung TakeTookTaken TeachTaught TearToreTorn TellTold Other Irregular Verbs
PresentPastPast Perfect ThinkThought ThrowThrewThrown UnderstandUnderstood WakeWokeWoken WearWoreWorn WinWon WriteWroteWritten Other Irregular Verbs