An overview of developments of NQFs: Poland Ewa Chmielecka the Polish NQF Project Coordinator & Marek Frankowicz the Polish NQF Project Expert Ministry of National Education International Conference on Qualifications Framework Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Zagreb, 14 September 2009
Polish NQF – 4 basic questions: What to do? – Introduce NQF in Poland Why to do it? – National needs, European decisions Who shall do it? – All involved parties, but a „core group” and „control panel” are needed How to do it? – Action plan – Time frame – Institutional requirements
Our project: “Stocktaking of competences and qualifications for the Polish labour market and the development of the National Qualifications Framework model” Located at the Ministry of National Education Financed by Operational Programme “HUMAN CAPITAL ”,action III, Launched in October experts + stakeholders International co-operation: HR, AT, SCO
Background: Actions/projects involving implicitly elements of qualifications framework „National curricula” for formal education (implemented 2009) Standards for professional qualifications (2005 and before) Qualifications framework for HE (started in 2006) NQF for LLL (2008) Many other projects - information sent to the „NCP” In general: - quite good cooperation of different sectors - stakeholders involvement - knowledge on NQF still insufficient but steadily growing
Action lines: – Level descriptors for general education – VET / standards for professional qualifications, ECVET – NQF for HE – Validation – „PANGLOSS” glossary of key terms – Empirical research - inventory of qualification system characteristics – Building stakeholders’ support – Web page
Developments: October starting point July 2009 – the first (“small”) report containing preliminary proposals concerning Polish NQF December 2009 – the “big” report with the draft of main elements of Polish NQF & its national and international context – general characteristics – further development of the Polish qualification system identification – list of questions and answers to be solved by the national authorities
EQF referencing milestones Designation of NCP To the end of 2010 Setting up of referencing committee March 2010 Start of referencing process (relating qualifications systems to EQF – 2010 deadline)Autumn 2010 Draft report for discussion within EQF AG 2011 Final referencing report 2012
Strenghts and weaknesses Strenghts: Good background Experts work progress Weaknesses: Lack of the Polish NCP Coordination in terms of decison making
Topics and problems: Validation example – To be developed by Marek Frankowicz Institutional base for NQF – To be developed by Krzysztof Chelpinski (workshop)
Validation Definition What to validate? How to validate?
Definition of validation – proposal: Actions aiming at documented verification and recognition of competences (as equivalent with those acquired within Polish formal education system). They concern – Competences acquired outside Polish formal education system (in Poland or abroad) – Competences/qualifications acquired abroad (in the framework of other systems of formal education) Regarding all levels of education and all types of diplomas and certificates Marek Frankowicz, April 2009
Projects related with validation „Let us build together” within EQUAL initiative, concerning construction sector Institute of Welding Association of Polish Electricians CZ/04/B/F/PP – European Common Principles for the Accreditation of Non-formal and Informal Learning in Lifelong Learning (EPANIL) „Systemic project” Improvement of basic curricular frameworks as a key to modernization of vocational training” (led by National Centre for Support of Vocational and Continuing Education) ………………………..
Validation - threats Too many initiatives, lack of consistency Lack of correlations amongst different decision makers
Important (non-trivial) task To identify all programs/projects/practices related with validation in Poland Problems: – Different sectors – Different levels – Different types of programs – Different organizations involved
Data base Level (EQF/NQF) Diploma/certificate Profession Competences/qualifications to be certified/validated Certification/validation method Certifying/validating institution Legal basis Remarks
How to validate? To take into account existing solutions and practices To describe Formal examinations systems in general education Examinations systems in vocational education Examinations conducted by various craftsmanship chambers Other practices To analyse opportunities and problems related with Possibilities of extending scope of activities of Central Examination Commissions and Regional Examinations Commissions to validate non-formal and informal learning Possibilities of integration of various validation and recognition systems into a common one (including HE sector)
How to validate? Labour Markets INSTITUTIONS exams portfolio Documented experience Other VALIDATION – possibilities P R O C E D U R E S Diplomas/Certificates Information, counselling „Customer”
Validation – examples: Informal practices in higher education Nursing – example of good practice Teachers training and language colleges – example of bad practice
Informal practices in higher education Remark on formal recognition mechanisms in HE (Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange, ERASMUS regulations, nostrification procedures) Autonomy of higher education institutions & Autonomy of academic teachers Informal validation/recognition practices based on individual decisions of deans and academic teachers
Validation - nursing Example of good practice: Demands of the European labour market „Bridging studies” (in Polish: „studia pomostowe”) Implicit recognition of prior learning, validation of workplace experience
Validation – teachers training Example of bad practice Teachers training colleges and language colleges – belong to the post-secondary sector Temporary solutions – agreements between local self-governments and higher education institutions New HE Act – does not allow for formal recognition of competences acqired outside formal study system Present situation is not clear, lack of precise regulations etc.
Main tasks for the Validation group Improve definition of validation Cooperate with other groups on Repositories of diplomas, practices etc. Determine how to make use of existing examination/certification/validation systems and practices in creation of future validation model Propose comprehensive validation system (basic assumptions, procedures, institutions, QA mechanisms) Propose a scheme of qualifications database
Thank you very much for your attention!