Tuesday, Presented by: Nava Brenner Steering committee on building a welfare satellite account
Discussion topics -The need of welfare statistics -Definition and Methodology of building a Satellite account, International Comparisons -Building a welfare survey in the business sector -Completing information on welfare in Non Profit Institutions -Identifing information sources of welfare statistics -Transferring data between the sources
The need of welfare statistics -Recommendation of National Accounts Guide: SNA The need of quantitative information on the field, and sub fields (children in risk, handicapped etc.) that barely exists in Israel today -Understanding of the sistem structure in terms of the operating sectors and financing sectors -Privatization trends can be tracked and verified with the data, changes in the areas of services and more -Recomandations of twinning experts from Denmark
Welfare definitions Possible definitions: -In Hebrew – welfare, social security (Adva center) -In english- social protection, welfare, social services (SNA, France) Social spending (Socx- social Expenditure database) -social work, home care, residental care activities (ISIC4)
Sub domains of welfare 9 sub domains as in SOCX? 8 sub domains as in ESSPROS?
Building a welfare survey in the business sector -What kind of division of workforce in companies is necessary- like in Denmark- skilled/ unskilled? Need To Check the definitions with Denmark. -In the business survey (Ronit) defeated women dorms are missing- should it be included? How? Need to check where they are included now. --Should we collect indexes on the quality of service? poulation groups (Arabs, Orthodox)? (BOI have shown an interest) -The new sample for 2011 by ISIC4 classifications includes 250 businesses. should we consider outputting a new sample by sub domains? - The survey will include questions about income types (grants, services sales and more), numbers of workers by skill, number of patients / clients. -Should we include questions on expenditure composition? the missing information is on investments only (7% of the expenditure).
Selection of data from the 2010 survey of economic branches Number of businesses in Welfare (without accomodation) compared with Education
Numbers of businesses in Welfare (without accomodation) compared with Culture
Output in Welfare (without accomodation) compared with Health
Number of Jobs in welfare (without accomodation) compared with Culture
Wages in Welfare (home care) compared with Health
Product in Welfare (home care) compared to GDP, in current prices
Completing information on welfare in Non-Profit Institutions - The CBS collects basic information about expenditure (wages, current expenses, investments), income (services sales, grants, etc), number of employees (need to check the possibility to get data from Labor statistics in CBS). -There is income and expenditure data for the years: 2004, 2006, 2009, In a survey taking place at the Center of Research of Philanthropy in the Hebrew University, data is being collected about welfare at Non Profits Instututions, on numbers of clients and number of employees by sub domains.
Parts that are not included in SOCX -Relatives maintenance payments of households to a nursing home, in full price (in low price is included). - Savings of households for pension. Payments to households for pension are included.
Parts that are in SCOX and need clarification -Long-term care insurance claims - is it better to include insurance premiums? -Does SOCX include the part of the long term care insurance in the supplementary insurance and in the basic basket isurance?
Parts included in other satellite accounts -Treatment of the mentally ill- in health account. -Medical departments of nursing homes- in health account. -keren karev payments (food, books) for schools- Education uncillary services.
Identifing information sources on welfare statistics -Clients data and government funding- +Ministry of Welfare +National Insurance -Government sector data- CBS -Business survey- CBS -Non-Profit-Institutions survey- CBS+ the Center for of Philanthropy Research at the Hebrew University -Households Expenditure Survey in Israel- CBS
Thank you for your participation!