Gods of the Nile River Research By: Jackie, and Lauren
What was the importance of the various gods of Ancient Egypt ? The most important god of ancient Egypt was Isis. She was the god of wisdom, and her brother was Osiris, his brother was Set[or seth] he was once the assistant to the god of the sun and he and Seth rode down the river and they protected it from demons.
The Great Sphinx
Bibliography Ancient Egypt written by Susan Altman and Susan Lechner ; illustrated by Sandy Appleoff. [Series: Modern rhymes about ancient times ] Science in ancient Egypt Geraldine Woods. (Series: Science of the past) New York : F. Watts, c1998. Ancient Egypt written by Susan Altman and Susan Lechner ; illustrated by Sandy Appleoff. (Series: Modern rhymes about ancient times) New York : Children's Press, c2001. Ancient Egypt : Kids Discover. Published in newyork, 2003