PAEPARD Partners Agriculture and climate change: To face the global challenges, sustain innovation capacities Rémi Kahane, Deputy-manager of PAEPARD Agrinatura/CIRAD, Montpellier – France -
Innovation in Agriculture : Multi-actors Capacities in Agriculture : Sharing knowledge Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) Agriculture and climate change: To face the global challenges, sustain innovation capacities
PAEPARD Partners
t FOUR INSTRUMENTS GENERATED BY PAEPARD Users Led Process for Consortia Incentive Funds for Consortia Competitive Funds Strategy of communication and capacity strengthening
PAEPARD’s learning approach for a users led process (ULP) 5 Users Led Process
5 sub-regional ULPs 4 led by a Farmers Organization 1 led by a professional organization 19 consortia in 17 African countries Users Led Process for Consortia Analyze the needs and priorities Example of ULP-COLEACP Innovative use of mango wastes in the cosmetics
20 Agricultural innovation facilitators trained 55 concept notes and proposals drafted Incentive Funds for Consortia Translate the needs into research questions and identify funding opportunities Example of the Round Table of experts on aflatoxine issues in Africa
Competitive Funds Example of a production unit of Trichoderma for the management of soil fertility in vegetable farming in Burkina Faso 21 project proposals funded since 2010 Convert concept notes into research proposals and sustainable fund sourcing
Strategy of communication and capacity strengthening Intranet and Internet tools Dgroups and blogposts with over 6,000 followers > 500 participants in training workshops Reflection and analysis publications
Some lessons from PAEPARD’s experience to build strong, efficient and sustainable partnerships in ARD: A crucial stage is to translate users’ needs into research questions Diversifying the funding sources is essential The benefits of a multi-stakeholder partnership cannot be restricted to financial aspects Brokerage is key to organize and strengthen multi- stakeholder partnerships in ARD