The Daily Life Of The Egyptians By: Zane Crouch 4 th Period 10/1/12
Introduction My name is Zane Crouch. Today I’ll be talking about the daily life of the Egyptians. They were one of the oldest societies recorded. Also one of the strongest.
The Language. Their language was mainly symbols. On the outside and the inside of the tombs they put these symbols to protect the people inside.. They also did this so raiders would be scared and leave so they wouldn’t disturb the tombs
The Arts. They built temples to honor their many gods. They also built pyramids to hold their pharaoh's sarcophagus’s. They built sphinxes to protect these giant structures from evil spirits that they believed in
The Customs. Some of their customs had to do with their afterlife.Their customs had to do with their gods.They believed in many gods which means they were polytheistic.Some of their gods were Amon-Ra, Set, and Osisris
Their Beliefs.Their beliefs also had to do with the afterlife.In the sarcophagus of the pharaohs they painted eyes so their kas could see outside.They put items like clothes, food, water, and jewelry so the kas of the person could survive.The ka of somebody is their life force
Literature.They had a book for the dead called the “Book Of The Dead’’.They had books for great pharaohs, for gods, and for great people.The book of the dead was put into the sarcophagus or burial place of someone so they knew what to do in the underworld
Conclusion In conclusion the Ancient Egyptians had a very complex language, they had very excellent art, they had customs that had to do with their everyday lives, their beliefs also had to do with the afterlife, and they also had a very complex lierature