One of the most greatest celebritys of modern science are Marie Curie the discoverer of radium and polonium. She worked with Pierre Curie, her husband together them won the Nobel Prize in physics for their work with radioactivity. 8th Grade - Week 11
Lucia asked, “didn’t the Curies work result in the use of radiation therapys to treat cancer”? Yes Lucia peoples later learn that radium could kill diseased cells. 8th Grade - Week 11
M Curie founded the Radium institute in paris France too study possible uses of radium. During the world war I, she equip and accompanyed a mobile X-ray unit. 8th Grade - Week 11
Curie helped make known the benefits of radiation, but she died on july , from radiation sickness. She did not no way fully understand radium’s dangers or she wouldve certain modifyed some of her laboratory procedures. 8th Grade - Week 11
Like scientists everywhere, Curie recorded her theorys processes and findings in notebooks. More than seventy five years later, them notebooks are still too dangerous to be handled. 8th Grade - Week 11