doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide Vice Chair’s Report July 2008 Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 2 Abstract Network Membership Attendance Documentation Reflectors Support projects
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 3 IEEE NETWORK AT THIS SESSION
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 4 IP and Virus Protect Enable DHCP –do not configure your wireless card with a static IP address Do not enter the wireless network without having the most current –Virus Protection installed, –Firewall installed –Microsoft security updates and turned on !
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 5 Network Secure (WPA or WPA2) Open SSIDIEEE.1xIEEE Default Gateway Submask DNS Server Mail Domain
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 6 Network - II Enable DHCP in the Netcard’s TCP/IP properties –i.e. “Obtain IP Address Automatically” For SSID “IEEE” –No WEP is being used. Be sure your WEP is disabled. For SSID “IEEE.1x” –Use WPA or WPA2 with 802.1x –TTLS or PEAP, MS-CHAP-V2 –Validate server certificates, do not send domain login info, do not use computer name to authenticate. –username is your badge number, password is the one you used to register for this session (registration desk can reset, if necessary) Help desk available : During regular IEEE 802 registration hours –8AM until 5PM
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 7 Membership Status
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 8 Member Status Graphic
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 9 Voting member changes NOTE--When a ballot closes within 14 days of an session, any changes in voting member status will be applied after the session –We have to provide list of voting members to meeting organizers 14 days before the session
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 10 Current Status
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 11 Warning to pay attention to ballots Membership is lost by not responding to 2 out of 3 consecutive mandatory ballots. –Recirculation ballots are the only ones that are not mandatory Some reasons for loss of membership discovered: –Left response to the last moment then got distracted –Left response to the last moment and then got the date wrong – filter rule move reflector messages to a folder that is not checked – s ignored –Didn’t realize that voting was mandatory –Never joined the STDS reflector –LISTSERV removed address from STDS Repeated bounces, e.g., invalid address, mailbox full
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 12 Provide comments in format required The letter ballot instructions document clearly states that comments must be provided using the comment template file (spreadsheet). This allows the composite spreadsheet to be compiled without manual cut and paste In the last two ballots ~10 members supplied comments using the “single comment” feature of the tool –Unfortunately we cannot disable this feature Notice - In future ballots these “single” comments will be marked invalid –I will try and notify any offenders before a ballot closes, but it is the duty of the voting member to read and comply with instructions rather than rely on me checking up. Questions?
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 13 Requesting Voting Membership Members who are “Nearly Voter” must request to become a “Potential Voter” at least 14 days before a plenary session. Membership will be granted at the start of the next plenary session – i.e. they will start with a voting token. –Have to record attendance for at least one slot to demonstrate presence at the meeting. I will send out a reminder to “Nearly Voters” to request voting membership after each session Request membership using the online form: –
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 14 Change of numbering systems The number on your badge will be changing from an identifier administered by F2F events, associated with your registration data to one administered by IEEE-SA, associated with your IEEE- SA web account. –We expect a few initial troubles. If you are a voting member and do not have a voting token, see me at the end of this meeting. The number we are going to use for all future electronic ballots will change. –This number is assigned locally by –It will be used new ballots as well as for recirculations of current ballot series –It will never change, and will never be published –I will send you an with this number in it – record this somewhere! If you loose this number, ask me and I’ll send it again
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 15 Attendance Procedures A 3-step process: (once) Register for an IEEE-SA web account (once per session) Register on Murphy (once per slot) Record attendance at a specific meeting It is a requirement that attendees register, in order that a correct record of attendees and their disclosed affiliations can be recorded in the minutes.
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 16 Step 1a – Register for IEEE web account, or Do you have an IEEE Web Account (IEEE Database)? –NO : GO CREATE A WEB ACCOUNT Set up IEEE Web Account FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS TO CREATE NEW WEB ACCOUNT –YES: I have an IEEE Web Account and remember your username and password. GO TO STEP 1b –MAYBE: I have an IEEE Web Account but don’t remember the password. RESET YOUR PASSWORD Set up IEEE Web Account I don’t remember my IEEE Web Account USERNAME See Christina Sahr
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 17 Step 1b - Check status of your IEEE Web account Log in to: Check you’re going to use your primary addresss This is the number you should see printed on your badge
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 18 Step 2 – Register on Murphy Visit Please use the associated with your IEEE Web Account (e.g., as your IMAT user name and a throwaway password for this set of meetings Enter your Web Account UserName (e.g., SUPERMAN) when requested Detailed description in backup slides
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 19 Step 3 – Record attendance for each slot you attend A slot is a scheduled 2-hour. There are 18 normal slots in this session. Mon & Tue pm are “extra” slots. You should “substantially attend” the meeting you record your attendance for The IMAT screen indicates your cumulative attendance You need 75% attendance (14 slots in this meeting) in a meeting for it to count towards gaining/continuing voting status See backup slides for details
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 20 Session graphic July 2008 Register once
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 21 Documentation
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 22 Local File Document Server information Local FTP server: (anonymous) External Document Server
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 23
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 24 Document Numbers are obtained from the mentor web site Uploading Documents Can only be uploaded to the mentor web site Downloading Documents All documents are updated on the local server from mentor When retrieving document please follow the instructions in the previous pages and obtain all documentation from the local server. This will keep traffic at a lower level on the external links. Documentation Generally
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 25 Reflector Requests There is an reflector for the working group, plus one for each task group. Access to the reflector is limited to those who have attended at least one IEEE session. To change your access, visit the reflector request page: –Gathers information and sends an to 2 nd Vice Chair Or, use the “self service” options described in: –Gathers less information and sends an to the Vice Chairs
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 26 Reflector Caveats The LISTSERV system removes an entry from a list if it gets repeated bounces. The WG officers monitor these events and try and fix what we can. –Get daily reports from each list, including about 10 addresses on average causing problems –I check each removed address against the list of voting members and look for alternate known addresses If you change address – please let me know. I will perform a global change to the list servers. If you receive no from STDS for a couple of weeks, suspect that something is wrong and contact me.
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 27 Projects Attendance and Balloting records –Initially, based on spreadsheets – 30% automated –Now, based on database – 85% automated Setting up a ballot –85% automated process (m4, make) Mailshots – 95% automated –Individualized mailshots based on addresses in records –Nearly voters reminder –Lost voting rights notifications –(soon) Notification of voting number Website –Switched over to new home page (index.shtml) –Future: will include banner in more pages Documentation of procedures for chair’s OM –Just started
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 28 Questions ?
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 29 Backup
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 30 Step 2 - Register Your Attendance First Time you sign in for the meeting, click here and fill out the form
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 31 Create New Profile - once
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 32 Login to IMAT
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 33
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 34 Step 3a: Record Your Attendance For each 2 hour meeting you attend at the session, log into Then select the IEEE WG. The first time you do this, you will be asked for your affiliation
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 35 Step 3b: Supply your Affiliation You must provide an affiliation and agree to participate in a professional manner in order to receive credit for your attendance. You will be asked your affiliation once for the WG and once again for each unique TG or SG you attend. If your company is not in the dropdown list, please type it into the text field provided
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 36 Step 3c: Select the meeting The available meetings will be yellow Click on the one you are attending –May ask for affiliation details Will turn green Attendance total will be updated
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 37 In case of difficulty with IMAT, contact Christina Sahr IEEE SA – Technical Project Manager
doc.: IEEE /0827r1 Submission July 2008 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 38 The End