PLC Leadership Academy Session 3 March 15, 2016 Jeremy Koselak, Secondary RtI Coordinator
Agenda Explore D11 PLC website and other PLC resources Debrief CFA process/protocol from last month’s homework Enrichment/Intervention video Share ideas and resources Intervention vs Remediation Planning for Interventions and Enrichment
Helpful resources from website? Form up groups of 3 or 4 and share a laptop Navigate to those resources from the D11 website that are value-add to your work now and could be beneficial in the future? Share out as a group Explore other PLC resources that you feel would be value add to your work and/or the D11 website. me the link(s), with accompanying description to:
Debrief CFA process/protocol Share your products with those at your table (split up, 3 per team). Each person has 5 minutes to share out, including time for questions. Please include in your discussion: Quick explanation of the essential outcomes being assessed and format How did you calibrate your scoring? How did you report out data to each other? Protocol used? Evidence you used data to identify students in need of intervention, by name and need Evidence you used data to improve instruction Evidence you used data to improve assessment/curriculum
CFA Group discussion Why bother? (refer back to cultural shift document) What's the difference: formative vs summative? Review of the documents we shared last time Helpful Tips, lessons learned, troubleshooting the process
Reflection Point Independent writing (5 minutes): How will you improve the CFA process for next time? Be specific Be solution-oriented
Break 5 minutes
Intervention vs Remediation What is the difference? (See cultural shift document) Why do we need both? What about enrichment?
Intervention and Enrichment Guiding Question: Where might we create space in our schedule to prioritize intervention and enrichment? video Discuss possible takeaways, for any level (elementary, middle, high) that could be learned from this district’s approach. Consider connections to DuFour’s article we read in February: “How PLCs Do Data Right.” (bring out the article for reference). Handout covers some of the details at the school, could be used for support. How did this school district bring DuFour’s message to life?
Planning for Interventions and Enrichment Examine various approaches other teams are trying: Kinard MS, Mesquite ES, Tutoring Centers, flex periods, sharing students Research other options, adapting and customizing (split up by like groups) Which ones are most viable now and for next year at your setting? Write one down to be implemented this year and one that could be considered for next year. Please me those in a follow up * I will then collate them together in a Virtual Gallery Walk for next time
Ideas worth sharing, from the trenches From TOSA visits: Specials (Focus on school-wide initiatives (like leadership, PBIS…) Data collection, process—google docs, office 365, collating data together Sharing students based on CFA data, immediately after assessment Tight HS ELA planning session that wasn’t about data, but very vibrant PLC process* MS attending to the 4 th PLC question: enrichment and acceleration
Homework ideas you are considering for Intervention/Enrichment structures for a “Virtual Gallery Walk” Reading: "4 C's of RtI" (Mattos, et al) Implement Intervention and Enrichment plan as linked to a CFA, monitor impact; bring back evidence of this. For those striving for 3 credits: Add to Binder (including this month’s homework) Ensure we have visited or have scheduled a site visit with you