Peninsula at Mystic Shores Property Owners Association Board of Directors Meeting AGENDA DATE: January 4, 2016 LOCATION: Mystic Shores Community Center – 711 Ranch Room FM 306, Spring Branch, Texas TIME:6:30 p.m. The Peninsula at Mystic Shores Property Owners Association may, at any time during the meeting, close the meeting and hold an Executive Session for discussion and consultation concerning any of the matters to be considered during the meeting pursuant to Section (c) of the Texas Property Code. The Board of Directors will consider the following agenda items which shall be presented for deliberation and/or action: CALL TO ORDER Directors present: Petsch Kovar Kiehm _____________________________________________________________________ DETERMINE QUORUM PRESENT _____________________________________________________________________ APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Board Meeting – May 8, 2015 Board Meeting – November 23, 2015 _____________________________________________________________________ COMMITTEE REPORTS Maintenance Neighborhood Watch ______________________________________________________________________ UNFINISHED BUSINESS Decision on Stop Signs (at Placid and Riddle) and Fireworks Prohibited Sign (at Gate) _____________________________________________________________________ NEW BUSINESS Solicitation of Board Candidates 2016 Community Comments _____________________________________________________________________ ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Board Meeting TBA Annual Meeting April 16, 2016 _____________________________________________________________________ ADJOURNMENT
Maintenance Committee Update Accomplishments Performed semi-annual road maintenance Turned well off and drained tank for winter Checked all irrigation for proper coverage and repaired lines and heads as needed Started repairs on guardhouse Responded to calls on gate access - Performed temporary repairs and / or notified gate company as needed Performed survey of roads for damage Compiled contractor/service providers data from home/property owners Got estimates for work to be performed in 2016 Developed maintenance budget for 2016 To Do Finish repairs on guardhouse, including reworking grading around outside Replace plants, trees and mulch, as necessary Clean and paint Peninsula Monument Continue to monitor contractors for quality of work Continue to respond to calls on gate access Update gate codes of contractors /service provides to maintain the safety and security of the Peninsula homeowners – OLD CODES WILL BE DELETED BY EARLY FEBRUARY 2016
Maintenance Committee Update Gate Access Controlled access to the Peninsula helps ensure the safety and security of its residents Each Peninsula resident has a dedicated gate code assigned to him or her, which allows 24/7 access Each Peninsula resident provided a list of their contractors and service providers for access on an ongoing basis A unique gate code was provided to each contractor/service provider This code is restricted to 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM Monday thru Saturday In select cases (such as home and pet sitters) access is granted 24/7 These contractor / service provider codes need to be updated Some of these providers no longer provide service to residents and need to be deleted from the system Some of the codes have been compromised resulting in unauthorized access to the Peninsula Some homeowners have provided their contractors and some service providers with their personnel codes, which allow 24/7 access
Maintenance Committee Update Gate Access To update and maintain the codes Worked with Web Master to develop input screen for collection of contractor / service personnel requiring access to the Peninsula Identify and provide updated codes to the emergency services (Fire / EMS / Sheriff), delivery services (FedEx / UPS / USPS / DHL / USPS / News Papers) and Utilities (PEC / CLWS) Sent out blast on 11/21/15 to homeowners and property owners requesting updated list of contractor and service personnel that need access to the Peninsula on a regular basis Received 11 responses with 25 contractors / service personnel identified Our current list consists of 51 contractors / service personnel with active codes
Maintenance Committee Update Road Safety The Peninsula at Mystic Shores is an exclusive area with private roads and a gated entry. This is one of the reasons most of us moved here. It also affords us a safe and secure area for us to walk or jog, and for our kids and grandkids to ride their bikes and scooters. When we moved here the speed limit of 30 MPH was already established, and most of the traffic signs were in place. The intent of the traffic signs are to regulate traffic flow, and the speed limit signs to set a maximum speed for a residential area such as ours. As our community grows we are responsible to evaluate the current infrastructure to determine if any change is required to maintain the safety and security of the community. A recent change was made to put in additional stops signs along Mystic Parkway to control traffic along this section of road. Recently I was out checking the roads and when I pulled up to the Stop sign on Riddle Rd I was surprised that you could not see any traffic heading south (from the gate). The stop sign on Mystic Parkway just before Riddle Rd is needed to control this traffic. With homes being built on Riddle Rd it will only be a matter of time before someone gets T-boned with a vehicle flying over the hill. The stopping distance for a car would be close if cars were travelling at the posted 30MPH, but trucks may not be able to stop in time. However, in most cases cars and trucks are exceeding the posted speed limit. Given time this is an accident waiting to happen.
Maintenance Committee Update Road Safety For the safety of all concerned it is imperative that we all follow some simple rules. 1)Drive the posted speed limit of 30 MPH or slower if the situation requires it (kids and adults on bikes, people walking along the roadside). 2)Stopping at all stop signs. They are there to control traffic and help to prevent loss of life and property. 3)Slow down when you see someone on the road walking or riding. 4)Report contractors that are not obeying our rules so we can notify the builder or their company.
Peninsula at Mystic Shores Property Owners Association Board of Directors Meeting AGENDA DATE: January 4, 2016 LOCATION: Mystic Shores Community Center – 711 Ranch Room FM 306, Spring Branch, Texas TIME:6:30 p.m. The Peninsula at Mystic Shores Property Owners Association may, at any time during the meeting, close the meeting and hold an Executive Session for discussion and consultation concerning any of the matters to be considered during the meeting pursuant to Section (c) of the Texas Property Code. The Board of Directors will consider the following agenda items which shall be presented for deliberation and/or action: CALL TO ORDER Directors present: Petsch Kovar Kiehm _____________________________________________________________________ DETERMINE QUORUM PRESENT _____________________________________________________________________ APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Board Meeting – May 8, 2015 Board Meeting – November 23, 2015 _____________________________________________________________________ COMMITTEE REPORTS Maintenance Neighborhood Watch ______________________________________________________________________ UNFINISHED BUSINESS Decision on Stop Signs (at Placid and Riddle) and Fireworks Prohibited Sign (at Gate) _____________________________________________________________________ NEW BUSINESS Solicitation of Board Candidates 2016 Community Comments _____________________________________________________________________ ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Board Meeting TBA Annual Meeting April 16, 2016 _____________________________________________________________________ ADJOURNMENT