Coming January 5, 2015 Idaho WIC Program:
Session Objectives: By the end of the session you will be able to… o Define one year certification and which participants are eligible o Identify the time frame for one year certification, health screen and nutrition education contacts o Identify the steps to complete a health screen o Complete practice scenarios
Expanded to include children Applies to any category (catg) that is certified one year Continues to apply to infants and breastfeeding women (regardless of % BF) Includes a Health Screen mid-year Local Agencies were asked to start alerting participants about the upcoming changes (August/September 2014)
What are the advantages of one year certification for participants and staff?
Documents required only once every 12 months o Income, identification, and residency Less o Items to bring to appointment o Temporary certifications Mid-year ‘Health Screen’ appointment o Allows more time for assessment and nutrition education o Assigns new risks, identifies areas of concern
Required for all catgs certified for one year: o Children, infants, breastfeeding women Appointment occurs 5 to 7 months into the certification o Allows flexibility mid year HS is similar to a certification o Eligibility portion is omitted
Click on ‘Health Screen’ link (appears when HS due) o Left hand navigation A screen will appear similar to certification o New income, identification, residency will not be required Note: QRC’s available for reference or training
All catg at 5-7 months into the certification o ‘Health Screen Due’ prompt: Appears on the left navigation o ‘Edit Health Screen’ function: Appears for 24 hours after HS completed o Prompt disappears when HS completed Won’t show when certification is due in 3 months or less VOC (transfers) o Prompt to complete a HS if participant comes to Idaho less than 5 calendar months into their certification Prompt doesn’t prevent ability to print checks
There is not a ‘Run Health Screen Check’ function WISPr automatically registers data entered in each area required for Health Screen completion o Sections completed will get the green check mark o Areas needing to be updated will have the “Update” button and messages like on certification o Omitted the extra step (run HS check function) since HS is less complex than a Certification When all required sections are complete, a button displays at the bottom of the page ‘Complete Health Screen’
Complete assessment o Height/weight, hemoglobin (if applicable), immunizations (if applicable), feeding tab (if applicable), assessment interview Add any new nutrition risks Follow-up on previous goal(s) Follow-up on referrals; add any new ones Nutrition education New goal (if applicable) Write care plan o Will see prompt ‘Do not forget to create Care Plan’
Referrals o Enter follow-up info and any new referrals if applicable o MA, SNAP, TANF, SA are not required at HS o Immunization referral when applicable Shows as required (left hand navigation) if “no” or “forgot records” selected o High risk referrals for RD Referral and RD Route/Review will be automated for new risks only; staff need to review past RD care plan for the plan for risks that were assigned at certification o A participant with newly assigned high-risk codes will be included on the 575 High Risk Participants report
Physical presence is required Measurements/hemoglobin accepted if < 60 days old View the summary of the HS on the Participant at bottom of ‘Cert summary’ page An automated note will display in the staff notes area for HS completion
Risk Code Assignment o Risks are assigned at Certification (system and manually) ‘Certification risk’ is any risk assigned at certification o Additional risks may be added during HS (system and manually) ‘Additional’ risks are any new risks assigned during the health screen o If an edit occurs within 24 hrs the changes will take effect o Anytime an edit occurs outside the 24 hrs edit period that changes the assessment, staff should document to account for the change(s)
Why is it important to have a health screen appointment during the middle of a certification?
Identifies new nutrition/health concerns o New assessment; new nutrition risks can be added Reveals progress or barriers towards goal(s) o New goal can be added Past referrals are followed-up on o New referrals can be added Allows more time for o Participant centered interaction o Providing and exploring nutrition education information
Minimum of 4 education contacts required yearly: o 1 at certification; 1 in between; 1 at HS; 1 prior to next certification Education consists of o Individual education, group classes and quick/mini WIC as appropriate by catg and risk level ( high or low risk) Nutrition Education Contact by Certification Length: o < 6 months (at least 1 NEC) o 6 months (at least 2 NEC) o 7-11 months (at least 3 NEC) o 12 months (at least 4 NEC) o
Documentation: o Document each nutrition education contact in participant’s record o Combined educations with other family members should be relevant to each participant o Keep a record of any missed apts., no-shows, etc. that resulted in the participant missing their HS or NE o While checks cannot be held if the HS isn't complete, a HS is federally required along with nutrition education
Care Plans –Updates: o Care plan ‘type’ Required field Select from drop down Ex. Certification, Health screen, RD, Catg change etc. o Will have a section for Health Screen Assessment information Initial risks and newly assigned risks
Care Plans –Updates: o “Topics” will now say “Education Topics” Meant to be topics discussed during education; any discussion during the nutrition interview would not be appropriate here o Will have a section to list education handouts 3 open fields to list handouts Staff should limit to using 1-2 education handouts May have other handouts to document such as Substance Abuse o Goal line will only have 2 lines (3 rd line omitted) Focus on one of two measureable goals at a time
Why is documentation (assessment information and care plan) an important part of the Health Screen?
Identifies changes since the last certification and/or appointment Allows the next staff person to continue ‘where you left off’ Identifies current participant interests, concerns, questions Lists relevant nutrition risks/referrals Identifies nutrition/breastfeeding education discussed States the participant’s next steps (a goal if one was set) Allows the next staff to follow-up on progress/barriers regarding goals, referrals Is federally required by USDA; reviewed during audits Serves as a legal document that may be used in court
Now it is your turn to practice! See ‘HS Practice Activity ‘ for further guidance You will need the list of available WISPr participants o Provided to each Local Agency Coordinator
Talk with your Local Agency RD/Coordinator Contact the State office: Michele Faiella, Marie Collier, Thank you for your participation!