Read pages , “Indian Removal Act” in your regular textbook. What was the Indian Removal Act? Law and policy of forcing Native Americans to move and settle west of the Mississippi River.
In what ways did Native Americans resist the Indian Removal Act? Refuse to move Fight back with violence/war Sign treaties File suit in State and Federal Courts Name three results of the Indian Removal Act. Many Indians lose their culture. Many Indians died on the “Trail of Tears” Indians lost their ancestral land Indian tribes are relocated WEST of the Mississippi.
List the positive and negative consequences of territorial and economic expansion on Native Americans. (Draw a Chart) Identify the Trail of Tears and how it affected the settlement of the West.
Take a few minutes to complete your chart on positive and negative consequences for Native Americans.
Read the first paragraph under Cherokee Resistance on page 333. What were some ways that the Cherokees attempted to keep their land? Read the last paragraph on page 333. What happened after gold was discovered on Cherokee land?
Would our government work if the President ignored a ruling of the Supreme Court? Why or why not?
Read the two paragraphs on page 334 about the Worchester v. Georgia case. Who won the court case? What was Jackson’s response to the Supreme Court’s decision? As a result of Jackson’s support of the decision, what happened to the Cherokee Indians?
1828, Georgia claims right to make laws for Cherokee Nation. Supreme Court declares Georgia’s actions unconstitutional. 1830, Andrew Jackson pushes for Indian Removal Act. Native Americans forced to move west of Mississippi River 1838, U.S. Army forces Cherokee to leave Many die along the way Journey known as “The Trail of Tears”
After watching the following video clip, you should be able to describe the Trail of Tears and its affect on settlement of the West.
Explain why the Indians were removed from their land. Describe the hardships of the Indians on the Trail of Tears. Explain how it affected settlement of the west.
True or false: 1. The Indian Removal Act was ruled constitutional by John Marshall. 2. Thomas Jefferson laid the foundation for the removal of Native Americans that would take place 30 years later. 3. Winfield Scott was the Army commander in charge of forcing the Cherokee to Oklahoma. 4. Starvation and disease plagued the Cherokee people on their journey west of the Mississippi.
1. Describe the trail of tears and how it affected the settlement of the west. *When finished, give your quiz to Mr. Schuler. Then, write the definitions of the following: Manifest Destiny Oregon Trail.
Define Manifest Destiny. Explain how the idea of Manifest Destiny contributed to the settlement of the West. Describe the positive and negative consequences of Manifest Destiny and the Oregon Trail on Native Americans.
In your regular U.S. History textbook, read page 354 “Manifest Destiny”. Write the definition for “Manifest Destiny” in your notebook.
While watching the following clip, add information to a chart in your notes that lists positive and negative consequences of Manifest Destiny. Example: Consequences of Manifest Destiny PositiveNegative
How did the ideology of Manifest Destiny contribute to the settlement of the west and acquisition of new territories? You may begin with: “The ideology of Manifest Destiny contributed to the settlement of the west by…”
In your regular U.S. History textbook, read page 348 “Oregon Trail”. Write the definition for “Oregon Trail” in your notebook.
After the video, you will be asked to Describe the positive and negative consequences of the Oregon Trail on Native Americans.
In your notes, meet this objective: Describe the positive and negative consequences of the Oregon Trail on Native Americans
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Americans see their way of life as the best in the world Believe U.S. has the right and duty to spread its rule across the North American continent. 1840s, NY newspaper refers to this as “Manifest Destiny” Manifest = obvious Destiny = sure to happen Americans believe they are better than Native Americans and Mexicans Racism justifies taking over lands belonging to Indians and Mexicans who they consider inferior.
Explain how the ideology of Manifest Destiny contributed to the settlement of the west and acquisition of new territories. Describe the positive and negative consequences of Manifest Destiny and the Oregon Trail on Native Americans.