10/23/021 Annual Business Meeting November 19, 2002
10/23/022 AGENDA President’s Welcome and Opening Remarks 2002 Accomplishments, 2003 Goals Suggestions/Comments by Members/Visitors Next Meeting: January 21, 2003, 11:00am, Location Landry’s Seafood Restaurant, Wildwood Location
10/23/023 Presidential Accomplishments Libby Williams Accomplished through coordinated efforts with CAPMI Board: Accomplishments – 2002 Increased Membership Membership increased approx 8% in 2002 Corporate Diversity Primary membership industry in 2001 was IT and Telcommunications. Primary industry in 2002 was IT and Banking. Increased CAPMI Revenue Membership increased See VP – Finance report
10/23/024 Presidential Accomplishments Libby Williams Accomplishments – 2002 (cont’d) Provide PM Training: VP – Certification conducted PMP Study Group and coordinated/obtained additional certification opportunities. VP – Education developed education opportunity with Athena Learning Group VP – Programs developed and conducted the First CAPMI Symposium in September, Increased CAPMI Visibility Chapter joined the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce VP – Communication expanded CAPMI Website and developed monthly online newsletter Meeting notices placed Birmingham News and Birmingham Business Journal Participated in PMI Region 14 meetings Participated in PMI Leadership meeting Began work with Birmingham City Council to encourage PM use
10/23/025 Presidential Accomplishments Libby Williams Accomplishments – 2002 (cont’d) Encouraged Membership Participation in PMI (e.g. Annual Symposium, Specific Interest Groups (SIGs), etc.) Included SIG contacts and information at Spring Networking event Provided Chapter update on PMI Annual Symposium and Leadership meeting
10/23/026 Presidential Goals Libby Williams Retain Current and Increase Membership Increase membership Corporate Diversity Push PM as a profession vs job Increase CAPMI Revenue and Reduce Expenses Expand PM Training and Paths Increase CAPMI Visibility Encourage CAPMI Participation in PMI events (e.g. PMI Annual Symposium, Specific Interest Groups (SIGs), Colleges, etc.) Assist in other Alabama PM Chapter development Coordinate events with other PMI Chapters and Specific Interest Groups (SIGS)
10/23/027 Presidential Goals Libby Williams Activities required to meet 2003 goals: Membership growth & retention: Increase publicizing of CAPMI benefits information to members and potential members (e.g. mentoring, employment connections, networking, volunteer opportunities, community involvement, etc.) Target areas for growth and assist in the development of a membership plan (e.g. general membership drive, corporate membership drive, etc.) Conduct Corporate PM information sessions with corporate community CAPMI Board changes: Create new board position and Director positions: VP of Marketing w/reporting structure – Director of Advertising & Sales; create Director of Volunteer position reporting through VP – Special Projects. Increase responsibilities of Vice President – Special Projects (e.g. Speaker Bureau management, CAPMI Networking, add reporting structure – Director of Volunteers)
10/23/028 Presidential Goals Libby Williams Activities required to meet 2003 goals: (cont’d) Increase CAPMI Visibility: Continue publicizing CAPMI and benefits of PM (e.g. newspapers, trade journals, professional speaking engagements, Birmingham Chamber of Commerce committees and After Hours event participation, participation w/other local chambers, booth presence at local job fairs, trade shows, etc.) Develop new avenues of increasing external and internal awareness of Project Management as a profession vs job. Assist VP of Education in development of diversified PM training paths Support CAPMI provided seminars and training for members and non-members Increase PM Mentoring
10/23/029 Presidential Goals Libby Williams Activities required to meet 2003 goals: PMI event participation: Identify and publicize to the membership applicable PMI events and opportunities Work with members to obtain funding for PMI annual symposium participation SIG participation: conduct SIG information sessions CAPMI Speaker Bureau Create speaker base and requirements Develop and identify speaking opportunities Alabama Chapter Development : Work with currently established chapters to co-sponsor events Work with potential chapters for incorporation Work to develop area contacts to develop new chapters
10/23/0210 Increased membership by 10.23% from previous year Hosted the New Members luncheon at the Inverness Country Club Refined distribution list to include members only Increased attendance at lunch meetings Initiated – –Welcome Letter –Exit Letter –Renewal Letter Membership 2002 Accomplishments Vera Penny/Caryn Terradas
10/23/0211 Increase membership by 15% Welcome each new member with a New Members’ Kit Add New Members’ Meetings Increase extra curricular activity Solicit businesses for new members Contact guests to become members Membership 2003 Goals Caryn Terradas
10/23/0212 Filed first CAPMI informational federal tax return Provided financial support to major chapter initiatives –First symposium –Exam prep classes –Purchase of LCD projector/screen –Chapter meetings Researched potential community involvement with United Way Developed first budget Finance 2002 Accomplishments Ron Bunch
10/23/0213 Continue to support major initiatives, but become involved earlier in the planning stage Maintain a balanced budget Continue to search for additional funding opportunities Finance 2003 Goals Ron Bunch
10/23/0214 Income YTD Chapter Dues $4,575 Meeting Dues $1,425 PMP Prep Course $1,848 Symposium $3,275 Total$11,123 Expenses YTD Meeting Expenses $336 LCD Projector/Screen $2,142 PMP Prep Course Materials $2,026 Symposium $4,767 Travel $1,001 New Member Luncheon $234 Chamber of Commerce $320 Insurance $150 Misc. Administrative Costs $215 Total$11,191 Finance Current Financial Position As of Ron Bunch Bank Balance$4,748.99
10/23/0215 Enhanced web site with extensive information Capmi.org alias established for ease in locating website Evite.com meeting invitations and meeting notices in the Birmingham News Sunday Business section have increased awareness of and attendance at CAPMI events Monthly Chapter Newsletter and Periodic “CAPMI Newsflash” s used to keep members informed Polled membership on interest in a Career Fair Communications 2002 Accomplishments Karen Threlkeld
10/23/0216 Upgraded web site (without the annoying popups!) Keep distribution lists updated Keep doing more of what we’ve been doing! Communications 2003 Goals Karen Threlkeld
11/12/2002 Promoted the CAPMI chapter membership and PM profession by establishing a partnership between CAPMI PMP’s and Athena Learning Center & Boston University, R.E.P.’s of PMI Worked toward partnerships with local universities such as UAB and Samford, as well as distant partners such as Boston U. 3 PMP’s were trained to be instructors in the Boston University PM Evening Certificate Program 4 PMP’s were approved by Boston University to be instructors for the daytime PM classes Awarded PDU’s to 7 CAPMI PMPs for participation on the CAPMI Education Team Maintained a repository of PMI resources and other materials for use by CAPMI members Education 2002 Accomplishments Barbara Capper
11/12/2002 Promote the CAPMI chapter membership and PM profession by establishing a partnership between CAPMI PMP’s and one or more local universities and/or PMI R.E.P.’s in Central Alabama Deliver PM Education via partnerships between CAPMI PMP’s and local universities and/or PMI R.E.P.’s in Central Alabama Award PDU’s to CAPMI PMP’s for participation on the Education Team Generate opportunities for PMP’s to be compensated as instructors Assist PMP’s in exploring job opportunities with locally Maintain a repository of PMI resources and other course materials for use by CAPMI members Education 2003 Goals Barbara Capper
10/23/0219 Surveyed CAPMI members to determine certification needs. Established relationship with RMC Project Management, Inc. for use of study tools in exam prep classes. 27 students participated in PMP exam prep sessions sponsored by Central Alabama PMI Chapter. Delivered PMP exam prep training focused on the following topics: Framework, Scope, Time Management, Cost, Quality, Communication, Risk, and Procurement. Awarded certificates of training hours to PMP exam prep students. Certification 2002 Accomplishments Linda Grainger
10/23/0220 CAPMI PMP’s delivered exam prep training at no cost to chapter members. Awarded PDU’s to exam prep instructors for their leadership and participation in the PMP exam prep sessions. Partnered with Project Management Associates, Inc. and UAB in offering a PMP exam prep workshop in December Registered CAPMI monthly meetings with PMI. Certification 2002 Accomplishments Linda Grainger
10/23/0221 Survey chapter membership at beginning of 2003 to determine certification needs. Coordinate PMP exam prep workshops as needed. Create opportunities for PMP’s to obtain PDU’s by mentoring individuals preparing for the PMP exam. Explore partnership with career development firm to assist in resume writing. Register CAPMI monthly meetings with PMI. Certification 2003 Goals Linda Grainger
10/23/0222 Planned and implemented 10 monthly meetings that included local and regional speakers Planned and implemented the 1 st Annual CAPMI Professional Development Seminar – “Enhancing the Mind, Body and Spirit of the Project Manager” Improved the monthly meeting venues and format to include – program committee members, early speaker selections, agendas, “starting, staying and ending” meetings on time Programs 2002 Accomplishments Gloria A. Robinson
10/23/0223 Purchased a laptop projector and screen for CAPMI meetings and seminars Monthly meeting participation increased by 50% Programs 2002 Accomplishments Gloria A. Robinson
10/23/0224 Plan and implement the 2 nd Annual CAPMI Professional Development Seminar – September 12, 2003 at the Gardendale Civic Center Continue to provide diversity and enhance the Programs Committee by recruiting a broader spectrum of speakers/project managers Continue to listen to our members and deliver excellence Increase the revenue base of CAPMI to assist/pay for a couple of CAPMI Board members to attend the Annual PMI Symposium Programs 2003 Goals Gloria A. Robinson
10/23/0225 Completed PMI Component Chapter Survey for Chapter Charter Renewal in February Completed Chapter Charter Renewal for 2002 Recorded monthly board meeting agenda and minutes for attachment to 2003 Charter Renewal and distributed to board members. Assured CAPMI board met monthly in Administration 2002 Accomplishments Joy Wynns
10/23/0226 Complete PMI Component Chapter Survey for Chapter Charter Renewal Complete Chapter Charter Renewal for 2003 Keep CAPMI Board distribution lists updated Record monthly board meeting agenda and minutes, distribute to board and attach to Charter Renewal. Assure CAPMI board meets monthly in Administration 2003 Goals Joy Wynns