Slide: 1 IPWG-5, Hamburg, 13 October 2010 lPWG and CGMS Expectations and Perspectives Volker Gärtner EUMETSAT
Slide: 2 History of IPWG IPWG-5, Hamburg, 13 October 2010 The International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG) wasIPWG Established as a permanent Working Group of the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS)CGMS on June 2001 in Ft. Collins, CO. The IPWG is co-sponsored by CGMS and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and focuses the scientific community onWMO operational and research satellite based quantitative precipitation measurement issues and challenges.
Slide: 3 Purpose of IPWG IPWG-5, Hamburg, 13 October 2010 In the area of quantitative precipitation estimation, the IPWG intends to build upon the expertise of scientists who are currently involved in precipitation measurements from satellites with emphasis on derivation of products. The IPWG is established to foster the: Development of better measurements, and improvement of their utilization; Improvement of scientific understanding; Development of international partnerships.
Slide: 4 Purpose of IPWG IPWG-5, Hamburg, 13 October 2010 In the area of quantitative precipitation estimation, the IPWG intends to build upon the expertise of scientists who are currently involved in precipitation measurements from satellites with emphasis on derivation of products. The IPWG is established to foster the: Development of better measurements, and improvement of their utilization; Improvement of scientific understanding; Development of international partnerships.
Slide: 5 Members of IPWG IPWG-5, Hamburg, 13 October 2010 The Working Group shall be comprised of representatives nominated by the satellite operators of the CGMS, other members of CGMS and relevant research satellite operators. The CGMS or the IPWG may invite other experts from the community to participate in the activities of the group.
Slide: 6 Working Arrangements for IPWG IPWG-5, Hamburg, 13 October 2010 The Working Group will be chaired by two Co-Chairmen appointed by the plenary of the CGMS. The Co-Chairmen shall compile a report on relevant activities for the scheduled plenary meetings of the CGMS. The interactive connection with satellite operators will be performed through the use of a Rapporteur who will attend and report to the CGMS meetings. Under the lead of the two Co-Chairmen, the IPWG will organize Workshops, co-sponsored by CGMS and WMO, approximately every two years. The Workshops will promote the exchange of scientific and operational information between the producers of precipitation measurements, the research community, and the user community.
Slide: 7 Questions for IPWG (1) IPWG-5, Hamburg, 13 October 2010 Validation of algorithms in a blended way by combining satellite, in situ and model data to demonstrate where satellite data can make a contribution Providing Guidance to operational agencies in algorithm development and validation Sharing of algorithms for generation global data sets in a Coordinated fashion (for climate application the model is Scope-CM – what about a Scope-PM?) Facilitating data exchange by use of common tools and formats Making recommendation on future sensors to CGMS operators (microwave imagers?) Introduction of new products into operations by organising of training workshops and other user interactions
Slide: 8 Questions for IPWG (2) IPWG-5, Hamburg, 13 October 2010 Discussion on use of calibration results of the WMO/CGMS GSICS (Global Space based InterCalibration System) results Reprocessing needs for generation of CDRs Recommendation of the new co-chairs for approval by CGMS plenary Information of date and place of next meeting
Slide: 9 WMO’s SCOPE-CM initiative: goals and structure Aim: to address the requirements of GCOS in a cost-effective, coordinated manner, capitalising upon the existing expertise and infrastructures. Objective: continuous and sustained provision of high-quality Essential Climate Variables satellite products (Climate Data Records) on a global scale Structure: The SCOPE-CM Network will be: »Based on activities of existing initiatives (GOS, GCOS and GSICS) »Build upon existing operational infrastructures »Serve users and other organisations (e.g. WMO Regional Climate Centres RCC, National Weather Services)
Slide: 10 SCOPE-CM Pilot Projects SensorsParameters and topicsLeadContributors 1AVHRRClouds and Aerosols 2SSM/IWater vapour, clouds, precipitation 3GEOSurface albedo, clouds and aerosols 4GEOWinds and clear sky radiances 5GEOUpper tropospheric humidity
Slide: 11 Perspectives for IPWG IPWG-5, Hamburg, 13 October 2010 Enhancement for international cooperation in defining, processing and validating precipitation products for real time and climate applications. Good examples are: GPCP, GPM, IPWG/WGNE, H-SAF and Scope - CM Practical cooperation with potential users in Communities of Practise Recommendations to the satellite operators in CGMS on the continued and enhanced need for observations in the microwave and infrared spectrum and funding of new technology research and training. Anything else ????